Three powerhouses of evil meet

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Earlier that day....

"Lord Frieza, we have managed to convince Licht to hear you out." A soldier said, "Excellent, I will head out soon." Frieza said as he stood up from his chair. "If I may. I will be going as well." All for One said, "That's not necessary, I will be more than capable too-." "If we are going to be partners, then we should be equals when recruiting more members, correct?" Frieza was about to glare at All for One, but kept his composure. 

"You have a point. Very well, though I suggest bringing some... guards with you. Just in case things get out of hand." Frieza said, "You fear that we may not convince this man to join?" All for One asked, Frieza then turned back to him. "Of course not. But it's always better to have someone there to keep you from getting hurt. Zarbon, Dodoria, come." Frieza said as he gestured for the two. "I see... very well. Dabi, Toga, you will come with me. Tomura, stay here with the others." All For One said, 

"Berryblue, you're in charge while we're away. We shouldn't be long, but just in case..." "I'll keep your scouter's signal online just in case, my Lord." Berryblue said, and so the six left for the meeting spot. The six soon arrived in an old temple where there were many mages standing before them. "Well, this wasn't what I was expecting." Frieza said, he then looked to the center of the mages, where he laid his eyes on-. "Licht, correct?" Frieza asked, "Correct. I believe you wanted to speak with me." Licht said,

 "That is correct. But first, allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Frieza, and to my right is Zarbon, and left to me is Dodoria." Frieza said, "I am his partner, call me All for One. These are two of my colleagues, Dabi and Toga." All for One said, "I see. Now tell me, what is it that you wished to talk to me about?" Licht asked, "This may sound far fetched, but allow me to explain the situation at hand." Frieza then explained the entire thing to Licht.

 "You are correct that this sounds a bit far-fetched, though I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility." Licht said, "Now that you have heard of the situation. What will you say to our little.... Proposal?" All for One asked, "If I understand, you want me to join this alliance of yours. And in doing so, you will have access to using my mages when needed?" Licht asked,

 "Don't think of it as us gaining more than you. Join us, and you will be allowed to use my Frieza force whenever you need to." Frieza said, "You will also get aid from the League of Villains." All for One added, "And these dragon balls, if I use them, I can wish for anything I want?" Licht asked, "Correct, may it be immortality, great power, or the destruction of your enemies." Frieza said, "This all does sound too good to be true." Licht said, and began to think, then spoke.

 "There is only one condition that you must fulfill." Licht said, "Oh? Do tell?" Frieza asked, "You'll need to prove yourself, if I am to join this alliance. If you can land a successful attack on the clover kingdom, then I will join you." Licht said, Frieza felt anger inside, knowing that this was beneath him, but continued to hold his composure together.

 "Very well, if that's what you want, we will deliver." Frieza said, "I will lend you some mages to help in your assault. Report back here when you are finished." Licht said, "Very well, we'll be back when we're done." Frieza said, as his group and a few mages left. Once they left, the group began to make a plan. "I will lead a full frontal assault on the kingdom. I think it would be best if you and a few of your members sneak in." Frieza said,

 "Normally that would be easy as we had a member that had a teleportation quirk. Though he was captured by the pros." All for One said, "If I may. I use spacial magic, using a teleportation spell is easy for me to do." One of the mages said, "That will come in handy. Well then, will you need any more of your league members?" Frieza asked, "I think Twice may be of some use in this upcoming assault." All for One said, 

"Very well. Zarbon, Dodoria, you two will head back to the ship. Tell Berryblue to send twice here." Frieza ordered, "Lord Frieza, are you certain that you want us to stay on the ship?" Zarbon asked, "Not to worry Zarbon, I'll be fine. Besides, you and Dodoria have your own mission that I will Kikono will debrief you on. Oh, and send down a group of Frieza soldiers." Frieza said,

 "Understood, we'll leave now." Zarbon said, and after a few minutes, two ships carrying at least 30 soldiers each landed. "You rang for me boss?!" Twice asked as he got off the ship. "That is correct, now, the four of us will stay behind and wait for the right opportunity to enter the capital." All for One said, "The rest of you are with me. Come, we leave now." Frieza said as he began to fly into the air, his soldiers following him.

 "Well, can you all fly?" Frieza asked, the mages then got on their brooms and began to fly up as well. "Don't arrive too late, Shigaraki." Frieza said as he and his army made their leave. "Allow me to stay with you four. I think that my magic will be of greater use to your team." One of the mages said, "I will allow this. Now we just wait for the right moment to enter the city." All for One said as his group waited in the forest.

 After about half an hour later, Frieza's army was vast approaching the capital. "We should be arriving soon, Lord Frieza." One of Frieza's men said. "Excellent... ["You'll need to prove yourself if I am to join this alliance of yours..."] The things I do to get what I want..." Frieza muttered to himself as he and his army continued towards the clover kingdom.

Back in the Kingdom...

Goku had just used instant transmission to find the others. "Goku, you guys are back." Midoriya said, "Wah! What just happened?! Was that some sort of spacial magic?!" Noelle said as she looked around.

 "That was awesome! What do you call that spell?!" Asta shouted, " I see you made some friends." Aizawa said, "We don't have that much time to talk. Frieza and his men are approaching the capital as we speak!" Vegeta said, 

"What?!" The students shouted, "Alright, now I get to kick that alien's ass." Bakugou said, "Not to cut in, but I still need to find my squad." Yami said, "Right, we don't have that much time. What do they look like?" Goku asked, " Our squadmates should all be wearing a robe like the ones we're wearing." Noelle said,

 "A robe with a bull symbol on it, right. Kids, spilt up and find them. Then come back to this spot." Aizawa said, "Right!" The students then rushed off to find the rest of the black bulls with Asta, Noelle, and Yami doing the same. "So, does this make us the first line of defense?" Aizawa asked, "Let's just hope your students can find the black bulls before it's too late." Goku said as he, Vegeta and Aizawa waited on the impending attack.

To be continued...

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