Leaving Axel and heading to... The Clover Kingdom!

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The next day had come, and our heroes were preparing to return to Capsule Corps. "Did you guys pack everything you needed?" Goku asked Kazuma and his party. "Yup!" Aqua said as she stuffed two bottles of wine into her suitcase. "I just grabbed some changes of clothes, so I'm all good." Darkness said, "I got everything packed too." Kazuma said, "I just need to drop off Chomusuke at Wiz's place." Megumin said, "I'll go with you, Megumin. I need to pick something up from Wiz anyways." Midoriya said, "Ok, then let's hurry." The two then left to Wiz's shop.

 "Goku, once we get back, we'll get to talk to that Beerus guy right?" Aqua said, "Maybe. We really need to get back to finding the rest of the dragon balls. But once we have some time to rest, we'll definitely talk to him." Goku said, as they talked, the UA students were gathering their stuff as well. "I wonder what Deku bought?" Uraraka said, "It's probably something to help him with his quirk." Todoroki suggested, "Maybe.... Hey wait a sec... where's Kirishima?" Jiro asked, that's when Kirishima stepped out from a room.

 "Alright guys, I'm ready to go!" The others turned to see Kirishima in his new attire. "Are you seriously gonna wear that now?!" Bakugou shouted, "What? This adventurer attire fits me well." Kirishima said with a thumbs up. "Alright you kids. Are you all packed?" Midnight asked, "Yeah, we're just waiting on Midoriya and Megumin to come back." Jiro said, after waiting for 30 minutes, the two returned. "Ok, we're ready." Midoriya said, "What did you get from that place, Deku?" Uraraka asked,

 "I got something that can help me send out more power without getting hurt." Midoriya said as he placed his gauntlets in his backpack. "Alright everyone. It's time to get going." Goku said, "Right!" Everyone then placed their hands on Goku's back, arms and shoulders. "What are you guys doing?" Kazuma asked, "Oh right, I didn't explain instant transmission. You see, if I concentrate on a single energy, then I can transport there. Place your hands on my back and you'll see." Goku said, so that's exactly what Kazuma and his party did.

 "Ok now wha-?!" Suddenly the party found themselves in a new location. "What the?! Where are we?!" Megumin asked as she looked at all the strange things around her. "I see you managed to make some more friends, Goku. This is Capsule Corps. And I'm Goku's friend, Bulma." Bulma said as she greeted the group. "What is this? It looks so strange." Darkness asked as she picked up something from a table. "This? It's my phone." Bulma said,

 "Ah! A phone! Wait, that means-?!" Kazuma ran out of the room and looked around. "A TV! I can finally watch TV again!" Kazuma jumped onto the couch and started flipping through channels. "I don't know any of these channels, but I don't care!" Kazuma said with a smile. "What kind of spell is this?!" Darkness asked as she got close to the tv, fascinated by what she was seeing. Bulma looked at Goku and the others. 

"They're from a type of medieval world." Aizawa said, "So did you manage to get the dragon ball?" Bulma asked, "Yup, and without any trouble." Goku said as he handed Bulma the orb. "Great, so what are you guys going to do now?" "I'm gonna head off to see if Korin has any more senzu beans that we can use. Vegeta, mind going over the coordinates of the other dragon balls and decide which one to head too." Goku said, 

"Right, let's go see then." Vegeta said as he, Bulma, Midnight, and Aizawa left. "Alright then, I'll be-." "Wait! I'm going with you." Aqua said as she walked up to Goku. "Huh? Are you sure you don't want to stay, I mean I'm not gonna-." "I can go. I mean, just look at my party." Aqua gestured over for Goku to see Megumin and Darkness entranced by the TV with Kazuma trying to move them from interrupting his view.

 "Ok then, put your hand on my shoulder." Goku said and once Aqua did, the two left for Korin's tower. "Woah! Look at the view!" Aqua said as she gazed out of the tower. "Goku, what brings ya here?" Aqua turned back and noticed a small, chubby white cat standing in front of them. "Hey Korin! It's been a while hasn't it?" Goku said with a smile. "It sure has. Now, who's your friend?" Korin said as he looked at Aqua. "Wait, you can talk?!" Aqua asked, 

"Yup. now back to my question, who are you?" Korin asked, pointing his staff at Aqua. "Oh right! I am the goddess of water, Aqua!" Aqua posed like a deity would as she said this. "Did your friend bonk her head before coming here?" "Ack!" "Heh heh heh! Good one Korin. Oh hey, where's Yajirobe? I don't see him here." Goku asked, "We're low on food so I sent him out to hunt for some meat." Korin answered, "Goku, remember why we're here." Aqua said as she tugged on his gi. "Oh right. We wanted to know if you had any more senzu beans." Goku said,

 "Sorry Goku, but I'm still tapped out. I do have a batch that I'm growing, but it'll take a while." Korin explained, "Aw man... well, there's nothing we can do." "Hold on a sec. What do these senzu beans do again?" Aqua asked, "They're used to heal any battle wounds that you may sustain." Korin explained, "So basically they just heal you, right?" "Yeah, pretty much." Goku said, "Then we don't need them! I have healing abilities, so I can heal you guys if you get hurt." Aqua explained,

 "What?! And you didn't tell us before?!" Goku said, "You didn't ask." Aqua said with a smug face. "Well if you have a healer on your team, then you should be fine." Korin said, "Yeah that's true. But, you do realize that you'll have to come with us to each world." "That doesn't sound too-." "Which also means you'll be thrown into a bunch of battles." "Eh... well my healing abilities aren't that great. Heh heh heh..." Aqua said as what Goku told her sank into her head.

 "I'm sure it's fine. In any case, we better get going. The others may have already locked onto a dragon ball." Goku said as he placed his hand on Aqua's shoulder. "Wait wait wait wait-!" Goku then used instant transmission to return to the others. "Oh you're back. Good, we've already decided on which world to head too." Aizawa said, "That's great. Oh and, Korin doesn't have any more senzus. Which only leaves us with six we have left." Goku explained, 

"Then we should preserve them. We wouldn't want to use them all up at once." Vegeta suggested, "Right. Oh and one more thing. Aqua can heal people,so we do have a substitute for the senzu beans." Goku said, Aqua sweating up a storm. "That will come in handy." Midnight said, "Still, she'll be useless if we take her on the battlefield so it's best that she stay here." Vegeta said, Aqua sighing in relief. 

"But Vegeta-." "I won't have anyone who isn't any help get in my way." Vegeta said, "You know, I normally take offense when people call me useless, but I'll make an exception this time-ok bye!" Aqua said as she darted off to where her party was relaxing. "Even though we have a location, we still need to discuss who'll be going." Midnight said, "Kakarot and I will be going." Vegeta said, "I think the kids can come too. They'll need as much fighting experience if they're going to help out." Goku said, "Fine, but that's it." Vegeta said,

 "If the students are going, then I should go as well." Aizawa said, "Then what should I do?" Midnight asked, "You can help me in trying to fix another radar." Bulma said, "You sure you won't need me?" Midnight asked the others. "Don't worry, we'll be fine. Now let's let the others know." Goku said, and so the three told the students what was going on. "Right, then we'll get our hero gear on." Todoroki said, once the students changed, they all went to the front of Capsule Corps. "Alright! Is everyone ready?" Goku asked,

 "Hold on! Where's Kirishima and Midoriya?" Jiro asked, "I'm here!" Everyone turned to see Kirishima heading towards them. "You aren't seriously gonna wear that, right?" Bakugou asked as they saw Kirishima wearing his adventurer gear. "What?! I want to see how this stuff holds up in battle." Kirishima said, "Sorry guys! I needed to adjust these to fit." Midoriya ran to the others as he was now wearing the gauntlets Wiz had made for him. "Wow, those look amazing, Deku." Uraraka said as she looked over the gauntlets. "Ok everyone, let's get going." Goku said as the group got in the capsule vehicle and began to go to the next world.

In a forest....

"Yah! Ha!" A boy was training with his two swords. "Just a few more rounds of training and I'll head back to the hideout!" As the boy continued to train, something fell from the tree and hit him on the head. "OW! Huh?" The boy looked to see an orb with a few stars on it. "What's this?"

To be continued...

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