Zeldris overwhelmed! There is hope for victory!

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"You're outnumbered. Give up and we'll make your death swift." Vegeta said, "Don't count me out just yet." Zeldris quickly shot up into the air. "I don't think so!" Mereoleona followed suit. "Fire magic.... Calidos brachium!" "Hrrr!" Mereoleona surrounded her fist with fiery aura and punched Zeldris. While blocking the attack, Zeldris still took some damage and was burned a bit. "Nice fire attack. Now here's mine. Hellblaze!" "Ah?!" "Nice try! Full counter!" Meliodas said as he sent the attack back. 

"Damn it! Magic attacks won't be of any use to me against you. So...." Zeldris and Meliodas began to exchange blows. "Keep him in my line of sight...." Vegeta said as he began to charge up an attack. "What are you planning on doing?" "I'm about to kill this damn bastard-." "You're taking too long! Fire magic.... Calidos Brachium Barrage!" "Huh? Oh crap!" Meliodas quickly moved out of the way as a massive barrage of fire blasts began to strike Zeldris. "ARGH!" Zeldris began to take a tone of damage. 

"How much longer would've it taken you to charge up that attack you were planning?" Derieri asked with a blank look on her face. "Shut up!" Vegeta said as the two watched Mereoleona deliver countless blows on Zeldris. "Time to end it! HYAH!" "Oooo-Argh!" Zeldris was then sent crashing to the ground. "That's showin'em!" Meliodas said, "He's not down yet. Time for me to show you what I can truly do!" Vegeta then went SSJ2. 

"Final...." "Uh.... huh?" Zeldris began to get up, then noticed Vegeta's hands beginning to glow. "FLASH!" A giant yellow energy beam shot forward towards Zeldris. "Ah....AH!" Zeldris was then hit and engulfed by the giant beam. "Did that do it?" Mereoleona asked, "Hm.... nah, I think Zeldris is still kicking." Meliodas said, "Uh.... is that.... All you got?" The four looked to see Zeldris struggling to get back to his feet. "So, he can still go. Then I'll just have to end him-." "No." Vegeta then looked at Meliodas. "I think it's time that I finish him off." Meliodas said, walking up to Zeldris. 

"Like hell-." "Let him." Derieri then put her arm out to stop Vegeta from going forward. "What do you say Zenos? Want me and Zeldris to go one on one?" Meliodas called out, and suddenly, a large projection began to appear in the air. "Guess that means yes." Meliodas said, "Hmph! Guess I don't have a choice now." Vegeta said, then he turned to the others. 

"Let's go. These two have a fight to get to." Vegeta said as he began to walk away. "Wait for me." Derieri said, "Don't wreck this place more than it already has been." Mereoleona said as she left to catch up with Vegeta and Derieri. "You know this is gonna cost you, right?" Zeldris asked, "Mmm.... Maybe. But I can handle you just fine by myself." Meliodas said, "Alright then. On three." Zeldris said, taking out his short sword. "Fine by me." Meliodas nodded, taking out his sword as well. "One." Zeldris began, getting into his stance. 

"Two." Meliodas continued, getting into his stance too. ".... Three!" The two shouted as they charged at each other and collided. The two began to clash swords, both blocking each other's attacks. "We're both good swordsmen. So I doubt that we'll be able to land a blow anytime soon." Zeldris said, "Yeah you're right about that. So let's kick it up a notch." Meliodas said as he leaped over his brother. "Hellblaze!" "You're not the only one who can do that! Hellblaze!" Both fire attacks clashed, cancelling each other out. 

"Good one. But, I think it's time I end this for real." Meliodas was about to grab his sword when, "Dies Irae!" "Huh? Full Counter!" Meliodas quickly caught on to Zeldris's attack and sent the lighting strike towards a destroyed building instead. "Nice Try-ACK!" Zeldris took the opportunity to strike Meliodas in the stomach, sending him flying back, crashing into a wall. "I'm not done with you yet!" Before Melidoas could do anything, Zeldris began to land punch after punch on him. "ARGH!" "Now I got you!" Zeldris grabbed hold of his sword and went to strike one of Meliodas's seven hearts.

 ["Meliodas!" Elizabeth and the others were watching the entire thing.] "What?!" Zeldris was shocked as Meliodas used a sack of flour to absorb the impact of the sword. "I'm not letting ya stab me this time. YAH!" "UH?! ARGH!" Meliodas quickly took his sword out again and struck Zeldris in the shoulder. "Ha!" Meliodas then kicked Zeldris in the side, sending him crashing into some barrels and crates. "It's not over ye-?!" Zeldris was about to finish when he felt something was off. "Something wrong?" Meliodas asked, now a few feet behind Zeldris, tossing his sword in the air and catching it. 

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