Kill Quest: Defeat 10 toads

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The group had gone to the outside of the town after accepting a kill quest to defeat 10 Giant Toads. "Kazuma! Hurry up and kill this thing already!" Aqua screamed as she flailed her arms as she was being chased by a giant toad. "Guys, there are more coming this way!" Midoriya said as more giant toads began to make their way towards the town. "You just had to take a quest didn't you?" Vegeta said to Kirishima.

 "Come on, these things won't stand a chance against us."Kirishima said, "Come on, we'd better help them." Todoroki said and so the students charged in. "Aren't you going to help your students?" Vegeta asked Aizawa and Midnight. "This is experience for them. We'll get involved if they're really in trouble." Aizawa said, "Stand back." Todoroki said as he got in front of Darkness and Megumin. "What are you-?!" Both Darkness and Megumin were shocked when Todoroki sent a wave of ice at the toads.

 "No way! Are you some type of ice mage?" Megumin asked, "Not really. Look out!" As one of the toads jumped over the ice, Todoroki blasted it with fire." "Fire and Ice?!" Darkness said in disbelief. "Here I go. ["Smash!"]." Midoriya punched the toad in the stomach, but all it did was jiggle the toad. "Huh?AH!" Suddenly, the toad stuck it's tongue out, wrapped it around Midoriya and pulled him into its mouth. "MMPH!" "Deku!" Uraraka looked to only see Midoriya's legs flailing outside of the toad's mouth.

 "I'll help you-AH!" Uraraka was the next one to get swept up into a toad's mouth. "This is ridiculous." Vegeta said as he continued to watch everything transpire. "Maybe we should help them now." Goku suggested, "I got Midoriya and Uraraka." Aizawa said as he jumped into the air and used his scarf to wrap up both of the legs and pulled them out. "Ew..." Uraraka said as she was covered in toad saliva. "I hope that doesn't happen again." Midoriya said as he wiped off some of the saliva. "Take this!...?" Kirishima punched a toad, but the result was the same as Midoriya. "Bakugou, a little help." "Damn it spiky hair! Stand back!" Bakugou shouted as he used his explosions to send himself towards the toad.

 "Megumin, look at him. He's using explosions just like you." Darkness said as she pointed to Bakugou. "Really?! No way!" Megumin watched in awe as Bakugou began to blast the toad left and right. "Die already you damn toad!" Bakugou got fed up with the toad not reacting to any of his attacks. "Rrr...! Try this one then... Howitzer...." As he began to gain momentum, Megumin was watching on in awe. "IMPACT!" Bakugou nailed the toad with the giant attack, managing to kill it. "Heh, knew you'd fall to that." Bakugou said with a smirk. 

"Ah... he knows explosion magic too. This has to be fate!" Megumin said, a giant smile forming on her face. "OUT OF MY WAY!" Both Darkness and Megumin looked to see Aqua running towards them with a giant toad in tow. "Darkness, kill it!" Aqua shouted as she ran past them. "Right, here I go! Yah!" Darkness took a swing at the toad with her sword, but the strike didn't faze the toad. "This toad must be strong!" Darkness said, 

"No you just can't hit anything!" Kazuma shouted from a distance. "AH!" Darkness's face flushed red as she got a bit aroused by Kazuma insulting her. "Kazuma, you're so mean." "Then act upset-not turned on!" Kazuma shouted as he sniped a toad. "Stand back, I got this one." Bakugou said as he stepped in front of Darkness and Megumin. "Get that toad my explosion soulmate!" Megumin said, "The hell?! I'm not your soulmate-and stop looking at me like-?! Ah!"Bakugou turned to yell at Megumin when the toad stuck him in it's mouth. "MMM! MMM!" "Look at him go." Jiro said to Yaoyorozu as they could see bits of explosions escaping from the toad's mouth. 

"This is going to take forever." Vegeta said, growing more impatient. "Let me get Bakugou too." Aizawa said and got Bakugou out of the toad's mouth. "You'll pay for that you damn toad!" Bakugou said, but it seems the damage was done as the toad fell to the ground dead after taking multiple explosions from the inside. "Three down, seven to go." Kazama said, "Seven more?! No-that's it, Kakarot. Let's end this." Vegeta said as he stepped forward.

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