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The Ginyu's had begun to descend to Earth, bringing with them one other craft to keep any pros busy, just in case. Before heading to the prison that All for One was in, they made sure to drop off Tomura, Dabi and Toga back at their hideout. "Wait, why are you taking the other craft with you?" Tomura asked, "Lord Frieza told us that there are a lot of heroes in your world. So, we're taking this one so your heroes don't try and interfere with the breakout." Ginyu explained,

 "Oi! We'll be back to get you all, alright." Jeice said, and soon the Ginyu's were off. The five had made sure to hide their spacecrafts out of sight and looked at the prison. "From what Shigaraki told us, All for one is in a cell that has guns on him at all times." Ginyu explained, "So what's the plan then, Captain?" Recoome asked, "Guldo has been practicing holding his breath longer. So I'm sure his time freeze will last longer." Ginyu explained, 

"You're right Captain! I can hold it up to five minutes now!" Guldo said, "But that can't be enough time for him to get in and out right?" Burter asked, "That's right, which is why I want him to contact us once he's disabled the guns watching All for One. Once he makes contact -that's when we'll begin to attack the prison. The chaos should buy Guldo enough time to escape with All for One." Ginyu finished explaining. "Ok, I'll let you know once I've secured our prisoner, heh heh." Guldo chuckled and quickly went into the prison. Guldo reached the building and made sure to stay out of sight. 

"Ok, there are cameras, so I'll have to use my time freeze to get inside." Guldo took a deep breath and began to make his way inside. ["This is easier than I thought!"] Guldo thought as he ran past the cameras and into the prison. ["Oh no... I have to breathe! Gotta find a janitor's closet!"] Guldo then ran into an empty room and let himself breathe. "Pant-pant-pant... ok, I'm good. Now where am I-?!" Guldo then noticed that he was in the security room. "Well since no one's here... I better see where they're holding All for One exactly." Guldo then looked over each camera footage and finally located All for One.

 "Ok, he's not that far. Here I go again." Guldo took another deep breath and ran to All for One's cell. ["Ok, I see the guns. Yah! Yah!"] Guldo quickly broke them, and just to make sure, broke the security camera that was in the cell too. ["Ok, time to breathe again."] Guldo exhaled, "Who are you? And how did you get in here?" All for One asked, "Don't worry, I'm here to bust you out. Captain, I've reached One for All." Guldo said, "Good work! We're going to give you your opening now, just hold tight for now." Ginyu said over his com. 

"Ok men, let's get to it. Oh and you, when you see Guldo just take All for one. Got it?" Ginyu ordered the Frieza soldier. "Yes sir!" "Good, ok men... let's get to it." Ginyu said and the four flew up into the sky. The guards in the prison had been sweeping the halls for anything when the prison began to shake. "What was that?!" One said, "I don't know, but go alert the police. We may be under attack." The other said and ran to check on the inmate. "Good work. Jeice, another crusher ball." Ginyu ordered. "Right! Yah!" Jeice threw another one, striking the top of the prison.

 "Let me have a shot!" Recoome said, and used his mouth to fire a beam at the prison, creating many holes and broken down walls for prisoners to escape. "Oh no! It's a prison break!" The guards tried to get the prisoners but they were very outnumbered. "Ok, let's get going." Guldo said, "As you can see, I can't really move." All for One said as he moved his head down, showing all the respiratory machines and the straps holding him in place. "Great... Captain, we have a problem." Guldo said over his com. 

"What?! Great, Recoome go help Guldo. We still got everything covered here." Ginyu said, "Ok!" Recoome flew down to where Guldo was. "What do you need, Guldo?" Recoome asked, "He needs the machines to breathe. Help me carry him out." Guldo said, "Fine. huh?" The two looked back to see guards pointing guns at them. "Freeze!" "I got this one." Guldo said, he then held his breath and the next thing the guards knew, their guns were in Guldo's hands. "What the-?!" "My turn. YAH!" Recoome fired another mouth beam and killed the guards. "Let's get going." Guldo said.

At UA...

"So what's our plan for today?" Midoriya asked Goku. "I think some more training should be good. We need you guys to be as ready as possible." Goku said, as they continued to talk, Nezu came to speak with Goku and Vegeta. "We have a bit of a problem." Nezu said, "What's going on?" Vegeta asked, "It seems there is a breakout occuring at our maximum prison. The guards have been reporting that some men in strange uniforms are attacking the place." Nezu explained,

 "Strange looking uniforms?" "You don't think?" "It may be the Frieza Force." Vegeta said, "But how? Wouldn't we have felt their energy?" Goku asked, "It could be members who have low power. Just like when they came to Earth to collect the dragon balls last time." Vegeta explained, "Yeah that could be true. Alright, we'll go check it out." Goku said, "Oh yeah! We get to fight some bad guys!" Trunks said,

 "You and Goten will stay here. If this place comes under attack again, you can be here to help." Vegeta said, "Aw! But Dad-." "You have better listen to me! I don't want a repeat of last time." Vegeta said in a stern tone. "Yes sir." Trunks said, "Ok, let's see how well you guys do against some of Frieza's men." Goku said as he turned to the students. "Right, let's go!" Midoriya said, "Get your hero costumes on, we're leaving now." Vegeta said. The students then quickly put their costumes on and raced outside to meet the saiyans. 

"So, how are we going to get there?" Kirishima asked, Vegeta gestured for them to step back and threw a capsule out. The next thing to appear was a capsule vehicle. "Get in." Vegeta said and so they were soon off to the prison. "Woah! Looks like we got here just in time." Goku said as they could see other pro heroes trying to subdue the other prisoners. "Look, it's Ms.Ryukyu!" Uraraka said as she noticed her. "Come on." Vegeta said and they approached the female hero. "Uravity? Are you doing another work study?" Ryukyu asked

, "Something like that. What's going on?" Uraraka asked, "Some strange people began attacking the prison. Many of the other pros that are here are tracking down the escaped prisoners." Ryukyu explained, "I suggest you go help them. We'll stay and see who exactly we're dealing with." Vegeta said, "Are you sure you don't need help?" "Trust us, if this is who we think it is we won't need any backup." Goku said to which Ryukyu nodded and left to help the other pros. "So we're gonna fight some Frieza soldiers?" Kirishima asked, 

"Yeah, that's right." Goku said, "Not just any Frieza Force members." "Wait... that voice. It can't be." Vegeta said, "It's been a while, hasn't it Vegeta?" The group looked up to see the Ginyu Force. "What are you doing here?" Vegeta asked, "Just here to collect someone." Ginyu said, "Who?" Goku asked. Midoriya was trying to think about who they would have wanted to breakout. "Wait... Don't tell me..." "What is it, Deku?" Uraraka asked, "All for One is in there...." Midoriya pointed out, 

"Correction, was in there." Ginyu then pointed to a spacecraft where Guldo and Recoome had put All for One in. "Kakarot, use that move of yours and stop them!" Vegeta said, "Right." Goku tried to focus on their energy but, "I can't sense a thing." "What? What are you-." "I don't sense anything. Don't you?" Goku asked, "Vegeta tried to read the energy of the Ginyu's but just like Goku, he couldn't either. "What the hell? What's going on?" Vegeta said, "You can thank Lord Frieza for that." Burter said, 

"What are you talking about?" Todoroki asked, "Lord Frieza made ki blockers. That way you can't ready our energy." Ginyu said, "And thanks to that, we got who we came here for." Jeice said, pointing to the spacecraft which was now flying away. "Not if I have anything to say about it!" Vegeta tried to reach the craft, but was surprised when Burter easily intercepted him. "What the-Argh!" Burter kicked Vegeta straight back to the ground. "Vegeta, are you ok?" Goku asked, "Damn it." Vegeta said,

 "That was fast." Jiro said, "Yes, but the bigger thing to know is that kick hurt like hell." Vegeta said as he rubbed his cheek. "I don't get it. You guys shouldn't be that strong." Goku said, "Did you really think that Lord Frieza wouldn't train us to withstand your level of power?" Ginyu asked, "So, they've been training too." Yaoyorozu said, 

"It's done, Captain." Guldo said as he and Recoome rejoined them. "Good work. Normally we would head back now, but... let's have a little fun." Ginyu said as he and his men flew down. "This is going to be a well deserved pay back." Ginyu said as he and his men stared down the saiyans and UA students. "Be careful children. This just got a lot more serious than we thought." Vegeta said as they all got into their fighting stances.

To be continued... 

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