A new Party is formed!/Introducing.... Megumin and The Crimsons!

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With the worlds becoming merged and both heroes and villains trying to get their hands on the dragon balls, Kazuma and his party still managed to be their usual care-free selves. "Kazuma!" "What?!" Kazuma shouted from the living room. "Can you take me out to practice my explosion magic?" Megumin asked as she entered the living room. "No." "Huh-?! Wh-what do you mean, no?! You always take me out to practice!" Megumin said,

 "Yeah, but now I can sit back and watch tv. Do you know how long it's been since I could watch.... ANYTHING?!" Kazuma shouted, "But you can get as much enjoyment out of watching me perfect my explosion magic-." "No, go ask someone else. I'm taking this opportunity to take advantage of technology again before I have to go back to figuring out which one of you girls are the most useless in our party!" Kazuma said as he laid down on the couch and began flipping through channels again.

 "Hmph! Fine, I'll go ask someone else!" "Ok-goodluck." "I'm going now!" "I heard you." "I bet I can get anyone to take me!" "Sure you can." Megumin began to pout as Kazuma didn't even make an attempt to stop her. "Stupid Kazuma, not wanting to take me out to practice....Hm?" Megumin then saw a ball of fire soar through the air and explode. "Is that another explosion spell? I need to see who's doing that!" Megumin said as she ran in the direction of where the fireballs were coming from.

 "Alright, that one was a bit more explosive! Let's try this again! Fire magic.... Exploding fireball!" Magna shouted as he threw another fireball into the air. "WOAH! You know explosion magic too?!" "Huh? Oh, it's you. Explosion magic, eh? Nah, that right there is my fire magic. The spell itself is called, exploding fireball." Magna said as Megumin jumped out from some bushes. "So it's not explosion magic?" Megumin asked, 

"Nope, though I've never heard of that type of magic before." Magna said, "Well of course you haven't! Only true mages, such as myself, have the power to wield this sort of magic!" Megumin said as she struck a pose. "It's only found in your world, isn't it?" Magna said, to which Megumin gave a deflated face. "Yeah.... But it's super powerful! I should know since I've continued to perfect my skill!" Megumin said, 

"Oh really? Then how about you show me these skills of yours?" Magna asked, "I can totally do that! But, we'll need to go somewhere that has a lot less..... Buildings and people." Megumin said, "Why?" "It's a safety precaution!" "Ah.... I see, it's so powerful that it can cause collateral damage. Alright then, let's go! I'm dying to see this amazing explosion magic." Magna said, "Great! I asked Bulma where a good spot was and she told me about this rocky field not too far from here! [Heh heh heh! I got someone to come with me!] Come on, we're burning daylight!" Megumin said as the two began to leave. 

"Where are you two going?" Both Magna and Megumin turned to see Blackstar approaching with Tsubaki following him. "We're headin out so I can see the girl's explosion magic." Magna said, "Explosion magic? Sounds cool, think I could come. With Tsubaki of course." Blackstar said, "Sure! But why would you want to come anyways? I mean, we won't be gone that long." Megumin said, 

"Blackstar is getting bored just being cooped up at Capsule Corp." Tsubaki said, "Yeah, not only that, but I've already walked around the city about a bunch of times by now. I need a change of scenery!" Blackstar said, "Well, looks like we got our own little party headin' out. Let's get goin'!" Magna said and the four left for the rockyfield. "Woah! This place is huge!" Magna said as he gazed out towards the horizon. 

"I know, doesn't look like there's anyone for miles." Blackstar said, "Ok everyone! It's time to dazzle you with my explosion magic!" Megumin said, "Hold on, I think we should hold off on it a bit." Magna said, "Huh? Why?!" Megmin shouted, "Think about it, we should build up to it. Like, let me do some of my spells and then top it off with your explosion!" Magna suggested, "That's a brilliant idea!" Megumin shouted in excitement. 

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