The battle commences! An all out fight in West City!

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Back in the forest, Zarbon had just gotten his bearings as he got up from the being blasted through the forest. "That no good Saiyan. He'll pay for this!" Zarbon then locked in on Dodoria's location and flew to the city. "YAH!" Vegeta turned blue and began to fight Dodoria once again while Goku went to capsule corps. "Don't think you can beat me, Vegeta!" Dodoria began to dodge each of Vegeta's attacks. "Try this one. Yah!" Vegeta began to fire an onslaught of ki blasts at dodoria. "Careful Vegeta. You might hit some bystanders!" Dodoria said as ki blasts missed and landed on the ground. 

"Damn it!" "Alright, where is he?" Zarbon suddenly appeared. "What are you talking about?" Vegeta asked, "Goku, he-it doesn't matter. I'll just kill you instead." Zarbon said, charging up a ki blast, Dodoria doing the same on the other side of Vegeta. "Time to die-?!" As Zarbon fired his ki blast, Goku reappeared and deflected it. "About time. What took so long?" Vegeta said, "Sorry, but at least you're not fighting alone anymore." Goku said, "Dodoria, take care of the other saiyan. Vegeta and I have some unfinished business." Zarbon ordered, "Fine, here I go!" quickly rushed at Goku and used his head breaker to send Goku crashing through buildings. 

"Vegeta's all yours." Dodoria said as he flew after Goku. "It's time to repay you for what happened on Namek." Zarbon said, "I'll just kill you again, just like last time." "Oh Vegeta, you do realize that I am more powerful than you?" Zarbon asked, "From what Ginyu said, you're all as strong as Kakarot and I in our Super Saiyan Blue forms." Vegeta pointed out, "That's right." "Heh, well we both have power far beyond that! YAH!" Vegeta charged up to his Super Saiyan Blue Evolved form, catching Zarbon off guard. "Wh-what?!" "Now you will be the one to die!" Vegeta shot forward and began to deliver multiple punches and kicks to him.

 "Wah! Argh! Ow!" Goku had been crashing through buildings and finally managed to stop. "Ow.... that one hurt." Goku said as he grabbed his side. "We're not finished yet, Saiyan!" "Uh?! ARGH!" Before he could act, Dodoria nailed another head breaker to Goku's gut. "Now! Maximum.... Buster!" Dodoria launched an energy sphere at Goku. "Uh?!" Goku looked back to see civilians running away and frozen in fear. "I have to stop it before it crashes." Goku then appeared on the ground. "Ka.... Me.... Ha.... Me...." Goku then went SSB-Kaioken.

 "HA!" Goku fired the wave at the giant sphere, nudging it back a bit. "Damn it! More power....Kaioken.... X20! HA!" Goku managed to destroy the attack, and his wave continued past it and hit Dodoria. "Argh! You got lucky on that one." Dodoria said as he dusted himself off. Goku fell to his knees, reverting back to base form. "Pant-pant-pant.... Crap.... I used too much energy just trying to.... Stop that attack." Goku said to himself, "Oh? Tired are we? Then it's time I end this!" Dodoria then disappeared, "Where'd he-ARGH! Dodoria reappeared behind Goku and delivered a massive blow to his back, sending him crashing into a car. Back with Vegeta, he was able to land some attacks on Zarbon.

 "How is this possible? Lord Frieza didn't say anything about this." Zarbon said, wiping some blood from his mouth. "He never faced me like this. So he doesn't know how strong this form really is." Vegeta said, "well then, it seems I'll have to go all out as well." Zarbon then changed to his other form. "Let's see how well it compares to this!" Zarbon shouted and the two began to fight once again. ["Damn, his training is paying off. Even in my most powerful form, it's on par with his."] Vegeta thought as the two continued to exchange blows. "I'm ending this-?!" "So close.... Elegant blaster!" Zarbon quickly appeared behind Vegeta and shot him down. "Rrrr.... Galick Gun!" Vegeta fired his beam up at Zarbon. Zarbon fired another elegant balster, the two attacks clashing. 

"Now I have you!" Vegeta side-stepped and rushed up, ramming Zarbon into another building. "Alright, where'd you-ACK?!" Zarbon then stabbed through Vegeta's shoulder. "Argh.... Uh...." "It seems I have the upper hand now." Zarbon said, returning to his base form. "And now.... For my revenge." Zarbon moved his arm back, ready to punch through Vegeta's chest, when, "Saturday Crush!" Zarbon was sent through the wall, leaving Vegeta on the ground. "What the hell.... What was that?" Vegeta said as he tried to get up. "Who else do you know has moves like that?" Vegeta looked up to see Raditz holding his hand out.

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