A surprising end to the battle

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"Now you've done it you two." Vegeta said in a stern tone. "Uh, Captain." Guldo said, "What?" "You may want to see who you switched bodies with." Jeice said. "Ginyu looked at his hands then noticed that his body was very feminine. "What the?! I thought I would've switched with one of the boys!" Ginyu said, "Wait, if that voice is... uh oh." Gotenks looked back to Ginyu's body. "Guys... what just happened to me?!" "Yaoyorozu, try and stay calm." "Stay calm?! Look at me Todoroki!" Yaoyorozu said as she gestured to her body. 

"Well this is unexpected but still. I can now attack you with this body!" Ginyu said as he struck a pose. "Don't make my body do that!" Yaoyorozu shouted, "Don't worry Yaoyorozu, we'll find a way to swap you back." Midoriya said, the group then surrounded Ginyu. "I don't think so. If you try to hurt this body, your friend will feel the pain if I swap back." Ginyu said with a smirk. "What do we do now?" Gotenks asked, "Right now, nothing." Vegeta said, "Go on Captain, show them your new powers!" Recoome said, 

"Right take this!...?!" Ginyu stuck his hands out, hoping to fire a blast of some kind but nothing happened. "Huh? Ok, wasn't expecting that." Ginyu said as he looked at his hands. "Maybe you can fly?" Burter suggested, "You may be right. Ok... now, fly! I said fly!" But still nothing happened. "Looks like he can't figure out Ms. Uptights' quirk." Bakugou said with a smirk. "Come on! What the hell?! Wait, maybe I need to power up first! Yeah that has to be it. Ok, here I go... Yah....YAH! Huh?" Suddenly a small russian doll popped out of Ginyu's chest.

 "Well... this is certainly disappointing." Ginyu said as he picked up the doll. "So?" "Yeah... change now..." Ginyu looked at his teammates then swapped bodies back. "Ah! This is much better!" Ginyu said as he returned to his body. ["I don't know if I should be glad he decided to swap back, or upset that he found my quirk disappointment."] Yaoyorozu thought as she returned to her body. "Now we can end you." Vegeta said, "Yeah, I'm not sure about that. Guldo!" "YAH!" Guldo used his paralysis move to freeze everyone. 

"We'll pick things up next time." Ginyu said as he and his force left. Soon after, the whole group was able to recover and met up with the other pro heroes to talk about what happened. "So, this whole thing was a diversion to break All for One out. Damn it." Ryukyu said, "It's not your fault." Goku said, "Don't worry. We'll make sure to bring this All for One back to your prison. Seeing as it was our enemies that broke him out." Vegeta said, "Ok, I'll let the authorities know." Ryukyu said and went to inform the police what happened. 

"Now that we have a chance to breathe... You two are in so much trouble!" Vegeta shouted at Gotenks. "Wah! Hey we tried to help." "And you managed to get this young lady's body swapped with Ginyu's. I also know for a fact that it was Trunks who came up with this whole idea, right?" Vegeta said in a more stern tone. "Uh...No?" Gotenks said, "You're grounded when all of this is over." Vegeta said, "Ah come on-." "Don't make me tell Bulma!" That was enough to shut Gotenks up.

 "We had better get back to UA now." Goku said, suddenly the group heard a cell phone ring. "Whose phone is that?" Uraraka asked, They listened closely, then realised the ringing was coming from Goku's gi. "Goku, you have a phone?" Jiro asked, "Huh? Oh yeah, Bulma gave it to-Oh man, that must be her!" Goku then picked up the phone. "What's up, Bulma?" Goku asked, "Come to the lab, I finished the radar!" Bulma said, "Right, I'll be there in a sec." Goku said and hung up. "You guys head back to UA. Bulma said she finished the radar so I'll meet you there." Goku said and used instant transmission to head to Bulma.

 "Right then, let's get going." Vegeta said. Back in the lab... "Where's Goku, he should be here by-AH!!" Bulma jumped as Goku appeared in front of her. "Ok Bulma, let's see the radar." Goku said, "Right, I'm still looking for the other one but I managed to rebuild the one you broke." Bulma said as she showed Goku the radar. "What about the one Gohan and Piccolo used?" Goku asked, "Like I said, I took it apart. The parts are all probably in a bunch of new inventions I'm trying to make." Bulma said, "Got ya, so this works like before right?" Goku asked, 

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