Sealing Licht away! Pit our hopes on the Evil Containment wave!

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"It's ready.... Special Beam Cannon!" Piccolo fired off his attack. "What?! Ah!" Licht was then hit by the attack, the beam going straight through his chest. "Ah...." Licht then fell to his knees. "Now it's over." Piccolo said, placing a jar in front of him. "Evil containment!" Piccolo shouted as a giant green beam shot forward towards Licht.

 "No.... light whip of judgement!" Licht quickly activated the spell, making the whip go straight for Yuno. "Lookout! AH!" Gohan quickly pushed Yuno out of the way and was caught instead, being sent into the evil containment wave. 

"AH!" "Gohan! Hold on-." "Light swords of conviction!" Licht threw shards of light at Piccolo, stabbing him multiple times. "AH!" Gohan was then sent into the bottle. "Let's see what happens when I do this." Licht quickly closed in, grabbing the seal and covering the jar. "That should take care of him." Licht said, putting the small jar in his robe.

"Alright, let's get him!" Asta said, beginning to power up. "Right." "So, you two still have some fight left in you?" "Believe me, I'm just getting started!" Asta shouted as he powered into his demon form. "Alright Yuno, let's get this jerk!" "Right behind you, Asta." The two charged forward as Licht did the same.

 "Ah.... damn it...." Piccolo said as he got back to his feet. ["I need to free Gohan before I can even try and attempt the containment wave again. But it's going to be tough if he keeps the jar close to him this whole time."] Piccolo thought as he watched Asta and Yuno attack Licht. ["I'll have to time this just right."] Piccolo said as he began to make his way to the battle. "Yuno!" "Right!" Wind magic-Towering Tornado!" Yuno shot forth another tornado, this time Asta ran straight into it. 

"What are they-?!" "Take this! Tornado Bull Thrust!" Asta then shot out of the Tornado and rammed into Licht with such force, sending Licht crashing to the ground. "Time to-?!" Asta was about to deliver another blow, but Licht blocked it with another light sword. "Sky-rending flash!" "Argh!" Licht managed to land a blow to Asta's back, allowing him to stab him through the shoulder. "Asta! That's it, we need to end this now." Yuno said, a large amount of his mana began to form. 

"I'll end this in one shot. Wind magic.... Spirit Storm!" A giant beam shot forward, "Huh?! AH!" Asta ducked down as he saw the beam coming. "What? Uh?!" Licht was about to move out of the way when, "What the-?!" "You're not going anywhere." Piccolo said as he stretched out his arm and wrapped it around Licht. "No! Ah.... AH!" "Rrrr....ARGH!" The beam struck, sending Licht crashing through a temple wall.

 "Were you gonna warn me that you were-AH!" Asta then shouted in shock as he and Yuno saw Piccolo's arm was now gone. "Piccolo! I'm sorry, I didn't-." "It's fine. Haaa....HA!" Piccolo then regrew his arm. "Ugh! That was nasty!" Asta said, looking like he was about to throw up. "How'd you-." "It's something that Namekians like myself can do." Piccolo said as he walked over to where Licht was before getting blown away.

 "What are you doing?" Piccolo bent down and then showed them the jar. "I made sure to grab it before the beam hit." Piccolo said as he opened the jar. "Ah! Pant-pant-pant...." Gohan then shot out of the jar. "Are you going to be ok?" Piccolo asked, "Yeah.... That was.... Weird to say the least." Gohan said, shaking a bit. "So, do you think he's-?" "No, Captain Vangeance is still in there. So we can't kill him." "So you held back too?" Asta asked, "Just a bit." Yuno said, "I can still sense his energy. It's faint, but it's starting to grow again." Gohan said,

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