A long awaited fight! Izuku Midoriya VS Tomura Shigaraki!

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"To end the legacy of All Might.... This is truly an honor." Tomura said, "You won't be the one winning this fight." Midoriya said, the two still circling each other. ["Come on, Deku.... You can do it." Uraraka said.] ".... Heh. HAAA!" Tomura ran forward, sliding his hand on the ground, causing the ground to decay as well. "Take this!" Tomura shot out some of the decayed rubble from the ground and sent it towards Midoriya. 

"Delaware smash.... Air force!" Midoriya countered with a flick of compressed air. "Ha ha ha! Yah!" Tomura placed his hand on the ground and sent a wave of dark energy forward, decaying everything as it slid towards Midoriya. ["One for All... full cowling!"] Midoriya then switched up gears and quickly darted out of the way. "Shoot style! St. Louis...." Midoriya darted from place to place and soon moved in to deliver a roundhouse kick. "Smash!" "Ack!" Midoriya connected as he sent Tomura tumbling back. 

"You got him on the ropes now, Midoriya!" Kirishima shouted. Midoriya shot forward, ready for another, but, "I don't think so...." Tomura swung his arm up, nailing Midoriya in the chin with the palm of his hand. "Argh!" Midoriya was sent back as Tomura got to his feet. "Ow.... what the-? Why haven't I-." "Oh I wouldn't want you to die on me already." Tomura said, "But I thought-." "My quirk only works if I touch you with all of my fingers. The palm doesn't do anything." Tomura said, wiggling his fingers. 

"Ok then.... Let's try this!" Midoriya once again began to shoot around Tomura. "What are you going to do this time? Leap into the.... Air!" Tomura dragged his fingers on the ground once again and threw the debris above him as Midoriya appeared above him. "AH!" Midoriya blocked the debris, but wasn't able to land his attack. "Got ya now!" Tomura began to reach out for Midoriya, ["Get out of the way, Izuku!" Inko shouted.] 

"Midoriya!" Midoriya heard Kirishima and saw Tomura rapidly approaching. "Uh-?! Rrr... Smash!" "Gah!" Midoriya flicked his finger again and sent Tomura back once more. "Hm.... you've gotten a lot better. I'll give you that." Tomura said, "Tomura!" Tomura then looked back to All for One. "While I enjoy watching you two fight. I think it's time to stop with the sparring and actually kill him." All for One said, "What does he mean by that?" Diane asked, "He's been toying with Izuku." Vanessa said,

 "Guess I can't keep messing with you. Heh, that means the next time I'm close enough.... I really will make sure you rot!" Tomura said as he clenched his fist with a grin. "Go ahead and try." Midoriya said, "Hmph.... Ha!" Tomura ran at Midoriya, Midoriya standing his ground. ["What's he planning on doing?" Tomura thought to himself.] "Rrrrr...." ["One for All.... full cowling.... Shoot style!"] Just as Tomura closed in, Midoriya ducked down and once again began to dart around Tomura. 

"This again? You don't have that many tricks now don't you-?!" Tomura was caught off guard as Midoriya appeared right in front of him. "Smash!" "Gah!" Midoriya landed a massive uppercut of his own and sent Tomura crashing to the ground. "You sneaking bastard.... You won't get the drop on me again!" Tomura sent another wave of decay towards Midoriya. "I don't think so!" Midoriya dodged the attack and began to charge at Tomura.

 "Don't think I'll let you get me again!" Tomura swiped his hand up, throwing debris into the air, blocking Midoriya from getting any closer. "Crap! Ah-?!" Tomura reached through the cloud of debris and was inches away from touching Midoriya. ["No-Deku!" Uraraka and the others tensed up as they watched on.] Thinking fast, Midoriya grabbed one of his gauntlets, took it off and shocked it forward. "Smash!" Midoriya flicked his finger in order to send himself back, watching as Tomura latched onto the gauntlet. 

"Ah.... clever. Hm hm hm...." Tomura smirked as he held onto the gauntlet and let it decay and rot away in his hand. ["Sorry, Wiz.... but now I only have one left." Midoriya thought as he looked at his exposed hand.] "Oh man, I'm getting goosebumps just from watching all of this." Diane said, "Yeah, me too." Vanessa said in agreement. "This isn't going to end anytime soon." Midoriya said, "Huh? Perhaps you're right. This fight is taking a while for one of us to fall." Tomura said, the two at a stand still. 

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