Overcoming the time freeze

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"Be careful Children, this just got a whole lot more serious than we thought." Vegeta said, both groups sizing each other up. "Take your pick men." Ginyu said, "I pick... you two!" Recoome shot forward, arms extended and rammed into both Todoroki and Bakugou. "You're mine!" Jeice then flew forward and grabbed both Kirishima and Uraraka. "My turn! Yah!" Guldo used his paralysis to freeze up Midoriya, Jiro and Yaoyorozu. "What the?! I can't move!" Yaoyorozu said,

 "Me too!"Jiro said, "That blue bastard is mine!" Vegeta clashed with Burter. "Guess that just leaves you and me!" Goku shouted as he and Ginyu clashed as well. As everyone was fighting, Guldo was able to easily stop the three children. "You kids are way over your heads on this. There wasn't going to be anyway that you'd be able to match up to us." Guldo said as he walked over to his victims. "What did you do to us?" Midoriya asked, "I can cause people to freeze up thanks to my paralysis move." Guldo explained, "But that's not all I can do." Guldo then used his telekinesis to lift up a tree and made it into a spear.

 "This is my telekinesis at work here." Guldo said, as he continued to talk, Midoriya tried to find a way to break free. [" Come on... I can barely move my fingers. I just need to..."] Midoriya bent his finger, focusing his power into his finger. ["I hope this works... SMASH!"] Midoriya flicked his finger and a giant burst of wind sent him to the side, crashing into his friends. "What the?!" Guldo looked and saw that the three had managed to break free from the paralysis. "No! I need to end this now!" Guldo threw the tree at them, 

"Guys!" "I got it!" Midoriya flicked his finger again, sending a gush of wind towards Guldo and the tree. "NO!" Guldo watched as the tree flew past him and out of sight. "You three will pay." Guldo's hands began to glow and he fired off some ki blasts. "Let's see if I can help." Momo used her quirk to create a metal staff and began to swat the ki blasts away. "Rrr! Argh!" "Yaoyorozu, are you ok?" Jiro asked, "Yeah, those blasts are just hard to hit." Yaoyorozu said as she shook her aching hands. "You three are getting on my nerves!" Guldo shouted, that's when he took a deep breath.

 "What's he-Ack!" Suddenly Midoriya felt as if he was punched in the stomach. "Midoriya!" The two girls rushed over to where he was on his knees clutching his stomach. "I don't think you two can help him." Guldo said, suddenly both Jiro and Yaoyorozu fell to the ground too. "What just happened?" Jiro said, "Heh heh heh. What's the matter?" Guldo said in a mocking tone. "How did we get hit? He didn't even move." Yaoyorozu said, 

"Maybe he has some sort of power we can't see." Midoriya said, "Like what?" Jiro asked, "I'm still trying to figure that out. Right now, we just need to hit him." Midoriya said, "Right, let's go!" Both Yaoyorozu and Midoriya tried to get to Guldo, only to fall to the ground in pain. "Guys! ["What could he be doing...? Maybe he's moving so fast they can't see him."] Jiro thought, "Why are you just standing there? Don't you want to help your friends?" Guldo asked as he laughed. 

"["If that's the case, maybe..."] Midoriya, Yao-Momo, try attacking again!" Jiro said as she plugged her earphone jacks into the ground. "Yaoyorozu?" "Right, let's do it." The two got up from the floor and began to rush Guldo once again. "Heh heh heh." Guldo took a deep breath and froze time. ["This is too easy."] Guldo thought as he walked over to the two children. ["Now to get them again-?!"] Guldo was about to attack when he noticed Jiro looking at his direction. ["No... she can't be."] Guldo ran over to her and looked at Jiro closely.

 ["No, I must be imagining things."] Guldo thought and went back over to try and hit Midoryia, only to be met with a fist. "OW! What the?! How did you do that?" Guldo shouted, "Like we'll tell you!" Midoriya was going for another punch, when Guldo held his breath again. ["Not this ti-?!"] "Argh!" Guldo then got hit again. 

"Damn it! How are you-?! You!" Guldo turned his attention to Jiro. "You're behind this!" Guldo shouted to which Jiro smirked. "How are you doing that?!" Guldo demanded, he looked down and noticed that something was plugged to the ground. Jiro followed his gaze and shouted, "He knows, get him now!" "Right!" The two moved in on Guldo. "I'll just have to be faster." Guldo held his breath again. 

"Yao-Momo, on your right!" Yaoyorozu swung her staff to the right, striking Guldo in the face. "Argh! Damn it!" Guldo went for it again. "Midoriya, jump and punch!" Midoriya nodded and jumped just as Guldo was about to punch him and landed the punch instead. "Argh! Rrrr! That's it!" Guldo held his breath again. "Where is he?" Yaoyorozu asked, "He's-Argh!" Guldo rushed at Jiro and sent her crashing into some trash cans. 

"That takes care of her!" Guldo held his breath and began his assault on the other two. "Argh!" "Ack!" Both Midoriya and Yaoyorozu began getting hit left and right. "We-Argh-need Jiro!" Yaoyorozu said, "Right, Jiro you need to-Argh-get back up!" Midoriya said as he tried to get to his friend. Jiro tried to get back up, "Oh no you don't!" Guldo flew right at her, "Ah!" "Yah!" Before Guldo could get to her, he was hit by a ki blast. "Huh?" "Hurry up and finish him off!" Vegeta shouted for above as he continued to fight Burter. "Right!" Jiro got up and plugged her earphone jacks back into the ground.

 "Rrr! I'll kill you all!" Guldo shouted and held his breath. "Midoriya, left!" Midoriya then punched Guldo. "Yaoyorozu, swing your staff to the right, Midoriya use a kick!" Jiro shouted, and so they did just that. "Argh! Rrrr... This-pant-isn't over-pant yet..." Guldo said, now sounding tired. "I think it's over. Jiro, go for it!" Midoriya and Yaoyorozu jumped out of the way and Jiro hit Guldo with a sonic blast. 

"Argh!" "Now to end this! ["SMASH!"]." Midoriya jumped up and punched Guldo to the ground. "How could I... lose to some kids...?" Guldo said as he tried to get up, but fell back to the ground. "We did it!" Yaoyorozu cheered, "Yeah, but now we better go help the others." Midoriya said, "Right, but who?" Jiro asked, "Midoriya looked around then saw both Todoroki and Bakugou struggling with Recoome. "Let's go help Todoroki and Bakugou." Midoriya said and the three went towards them.

To be continued... 

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