Goodbye divinity, and hello mortality! Aqua's sacred purification!

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"Ok, Medusa. I'm going to purify you!" Aqua said as she approached her. "Before I do this.... There is something that you should all know about sacred purification." Aqua said, "And what would that be?" Goku asked, "If I'm going to purify someone who you say is the embodiment of chaos and evil, then the purification will have two effects." Aqua said,

 "What are the two effects?" Maka asked, "If the individual has any type of humanity left within them, then they will become pure of heart. They won't be evil anymore." "Mm?!" Medusa suddenly felt a bit worried. "But if they don't, only their abilities will be taken away." Aqua explained, "So it's a win-win either way? Sounds good to me." Goku said,

"Alright then, let's do this. With every ounce of divinity that is left within me..... I ask that you cleanse this woman of all the evil that is within her.... Allow her to start anew with a pure heart.... Sacred...." "Wait! I changed my mind! I'll go with exilation! Just-." "Too late for that, Medusa." Maka said with a smile. "Uh?!" "Purification!" Medusa began to glow blue as well, starting to feel a lot of weight being lifted off of her. 

"Mmmmmm.....AH! Ah...." Medusa then fell forward as black aura began to leave her body. "It's.... Done. uh?! Hm...." Aqua noticed that her blue aura left, feeling different in some way. "Aqua...." "I'm fine, Darkness. I'm fine." Aqua said with a smile. "Mmm...." Everyone looked to see Medusa beginning to stir. "Should I get ready?" Soul asked, "Hold on. Can you untie her?" Maka asked, two adventurers doing so. "Uh...." "Medusa? How do you feel?" Maka asked, watching Medusa sit up. 

"I feel.... Peace...." Medusa said as she looked herself over. "Did it actually work?" Wiz asked, "Do you feel like hurting anyone?" Goku asked, "No.... no I don't." Medusa said, getting up to her feet. "I think it worked.... Oh thank the gods!" Aqua said as she fell to the floor in relief. "Ms. Albarn?" "What is it?" Maka asked as Medusa approached her. "Forgive me. For everything I've done." Medusa said as she bowed. "Is this real? Or is this just a trick?" Soul asked, "No, it's the real deal. No one can deny that spell." Aqua said,

 "She could still be playing us." "I promise, I'm not." Medusa said, "Prove it. Aqua said that if you don't have any humanity left, then your powers would be gone." Soul said, "If it will help, then I'll do it." Medusa took a deep breath, then, "Tail snake!" Suddenly, Medusa shot up as an arrow lifted her off the ground. "It worked." Goku said, with a smile. "Ms. Albarn, may I ask for a request?" Medusa asked, "Uh, sure. What is it?" "When we return to Death City.... Can you tell Lord Death that I wish to speak with him?" Medusa asked,

 ".... Ok. I promise." Maka said, "Now that this is settled. Can I ask you something, Medusa?" Goku said, "Of course." "What exactly are the others in for?" Goku asked, "Well, I do believe that you also saw both Licht and Zeldris get defeated." Medusa started, "Right, we did." Soul said, "Whoever went to face off against Eneru will have difficulty as he is practically pure electricity." Medusa stated, "And what about All for One?" Goku asked, 

"He will be even harder to defeat. He wasn't the only one to go to Liones. He and the League of Villains went. So whoever went to stop him, will have a difficult time doing so." Medusa finished explaining. "Well, they'll need back up then. So let's go-." "Hold on." Goku said as he stepped in front of Soul and Maka. "I don't think we should go." "What?!" The two shouted, "Grand Zeno may not like it. Think about it for a sec. No, none from our team went to intervene in those battles. So if we do, then we could end up upsetting them." Goku said,

 "Then what do we do?" Maka asked, "We wait until the projection appears again., and hope that Izuku and his team can win." Goku said, "Well, if that's the plan.... Then let's head back to the house for now!" Aqua said, "That would be nice." Darkness said, "I could use some rest after that fight. C'mon Soul, let's go." Soon the group left for Aqua's party's house.

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