A Meeting with Lord Death/Will Goku get the dragon ball?

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After preventing Marie from ingesting one of Medusa's arrows, Stein decided to take the group to Lord Death. "I would never in my life think that I would be speaking with Death himself." Yaoyorozu said, "You guys don't have to be afraid. Lord Death isn't really scary." Maka said, "Alright everyone, let's go." The group then entered Death's chambers. "Hello! What brings all of you here?" Death said, greeting the group. "You were right. I wasn't expecting this at all." Goku said, "We have some things to discuss. The first is about Crona." Azusa said, 

"Oh? What's the matter?" Death soon heard the entire story. "I see...." "Am-am I in trouble?" Crona asked, "Young Crona, I do not fault you for what you tried to do." "What?" Azusa asked, "He is a child, Azusa. And just like any other, they have to listen to their parents. And though what he tried to do could have led to severe consequences. You were able to prevent it." Death said, looking over at Goku and his small group. "So what are we to do with the boy?" Stein asked,

 "Hmm.... Maka, you are the closest to Crona. So, I ask that you keep a closer eye on him and steer him away if his mother tries to do something else to further Stein's condition." Death said, "Yeah, you can count on me. And I think I know a way for Crona to be further away from Medusa." Maka said, "Then I suggest you cling to that idea for now. Take Crona and watch over him. I have some more business to attend to it seems." Death said, and so, Maka left with Crona. "Now then, I believe your group is the topic of discussion?" Death asked, 

"That's right." Goku said, "These four claim to be from different worlds. Saying that they are here for this." Stein said, showing Death the dragon ball. "Can you tell me what is special about this orb that you need to obtain it?" Death asked, "Sure, you see, when all seven of those are brought together. It summons a dragon, and then you can make a wish." Goku said, "Are we sure they aren't crazy?" Azusa asked, "Now, let's not assume. Continue." "I think it would be best if we explain from the beginning. Then maybe our story may sound more clear to you." Yaoyorozu said, and so the group recalled the events of the previous merging and what has happened so far.

 "If what you say is true, then our world could be in danger as well." Death said, "You said that you need seven of these orbs in order to wish all the worlds to normal, right? Well, do you have any?" Stein asked, "We do, actually. We currently have three dragon balls." Yaoyorozu said, "What are they talking about in there?" "How should I know?" Outside of Death's chambers, a few of the students were trying to learn about what was going on. 

"Blackstar, I think it's best if we return to class?" Tsubaki suggested, "Something's going on, and I want to know what it is." Blackstar said, pressing his ear to the door. "Tsubaki is right, my father's business is his alone." Death the Kid said, "You know you want to find out too! I mean, those weirdos are up to something." Blackstar said, "Tsubaki, let's just leave them. We have class to get to." Liz said as she and her sister Patty walked away. 

"Blackstar-." "Just go, Tsubaki!" Blackstar said, "Fine." Tsubaki, though a bit angry, left for class too. "What are you two doing?" Blackstar and Kid looked back to see Maka with Soul and Crona with her. "We're trying to figure out what my Father is talking about." "Seriously guys?" Maka asked, "Hey wait! Maka, you were in there. What are they talking about?" Blackstar asked, "I left before they started talking, but even if I hadn't, I wouldn't tell you." Maka said,

 "C'mon guys, let's just get to class-?" As the students were talking, the group finally emerged from the chambers. "I see you kids are being nosy." Stein said, looking down at the kids. "It was him, Blackstar wanted to spy!" Kid blurted out, "Yeah right! You wanted to learn too! Tsubaki back me-?! Oh wait, she left...." Blackstar said, "Whatever we were talking about there is of no concern to you all." Azusa said, 

"And besides, don't you kids have class?" Marie asked, "Yes we do. Come on you two, we're going to class." Maka said, grabbing the two and dragging them away. "Come on Crona. Let's catch up to them." "Oh-ok." Crona said, following Soul. "Ya'know, that kid has a lot of potential to be a great fighter." Goku said, "Indeed, Ashame his mother made him the way he is now." Stein said, "Who is Crona's mom, if I can ask?" Uraraka asked, 

"Her name is Medusa, a witch. She is very powerful, though we were able to capture her." Azusa said, "We have her under watch. She's locked up in the chambers under the school." Stein said, "Do you think that's such a good idea? I mean, if we weren't here, then who knows what would have happened." Roshi said, "If you saw what she looks like now, you'll see that we can handle her more now." Stein said, "Well anyways, thanks for giving us the dragon ball." Goku said, "Let's just hope that we made the right choice giving it to-?!"

 Suddenly, there was a big boom noise, and the whole DWMA began to shake. "What was that?!" Uraraka asked, "I don't know. Come on, let's go see." Goku said as the group made their way to the front of the school. "Oh no...." Once outside, the group looked to the skies, seeing a fleet of Frieza Force soldiers approaching. "Now that is something you don't see everyday." Stein said, pushing up his glasses. "What is that?" Azusa asked, "Frieza...." Goku said, the group still looking at the incoming invasion.

10 minutes ago, In the City....

"Man! Why the hell did we get stuck with the boring work?!" Magna shouted as Aizawa's group kept on observing the city. "It's ok, Magna. Let's try to calm down." Mimosa said, "At least we're almost done scouting this city." Todoroki said,

 "Sigh, I think that should be fine. There isn't any sign of-?!" Aizawa looked, noticing the spaceships descending on to the city. "That.... Can't be good, can it?" Magna said, "They're heading straight for that building up there." Todoroki said, pointing to the DWMA. "And that's where Goku and the others are, huh?" Mimosa asked, "Most likely. Come on, the others are going to need our help." Aizawa said as the group began to head to the DWMA.

Back at the school....

"This can't be happening." Yaoyorozu said, watching as the ships fired shots at the school. "At this rate, the school could be destroyed right into the ground." Roshi said, "Marie, I believe you know what we'll have to do." Stein said, Marie nodding and transforming into a tonfa. "Woah!" Both Uraraka and Yaoyorozu were surprised by what they just saw. 

"Azusa, get the other staff. We'll need all the help we can get out here." "Right." Azusa quickly returned inside to alert everyone. "Goku, I think your old plas are back." Uraraka said, Goku looking up to see Zarbon and Dodoria. "Damn it.... You guys got everything down here?" Goku asked, "Don't worry, we'll be getting more help in a little bit." Stein said,

 "Alright. HA! Kaioken!" Goku then went kaioken blue and flew off after Zarbon and Dodoria. "I see you're not sporting that silverish glow this time, Siayan." Dodoria said, "Yeah well, that form is hard to reach. So, you'll just have to deal with this for now." Goku said, "Luckily, Zarbon is with me this time. And trust me, we won't let you leave this battle alive!" The two flew straight at Goku, the three beginning to fight.

 "While they're fighting up there, we should get started on these guys." Stein said as the others jumped into action as well. As the battle began, and the school continued to be hit by gun fire, Frieza had managed to sneak by undetected. "With my men continuing to attack the school and those damn heroes fending them off. I will have no trouble getting in." Frieza then reached out his hand and fired a blast into the ground. "Now then, it's high time we meet, Medusa." Frieza said, floating down into the basement of the school.

In a cell....

"Hm? It seems the school is under attack. Heh, now just who would go to the trouble of doing this for me" Medusa asked herself, a grin forming on her face.

To be continued....

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