Heroes arrive in a wonderful world

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After about another hour of traveling, Goku and the rest of the group had finally arrived at the location. "Woah! Check it out. It's like something out of an RPG!" Kirishima said as they exited the vehicle and approached the town. "RPG?" Goku asked, "Role Playing Game. I played some back when I was little. Hell, I still do, but only when I have some free time." Kirishima explained, "Guys. I think I found the name of the town!" Uraraka waved them over to where a sign was.

 "Axel Huh? Pretty boring name if you ask me." Goku said, "Do you sense any type of danger here?" Aizawa asked, "Hmm...Nope. I don't sense any type of evil energy here." Goku said, "The same goes for me." Vegeta added, "Come on guys! I want to check this place out!" Kirishima said as he made his way into the town. "Kirishima, wait up!" The others then ran in pursuit of him. "Wow! This is amazing!" Kirishima said as he and the others walked through the town. "Yeah but, why is everyone staring at us?" Uraraka asked, "Idiot, look at how they're dressed and compare it to us." Bakugou said, 

"Oh, right..." Uraraka said, "Then how about we change that?" Kirishima said, "what are you talking about?" Jiro asked, "Check it out!" Kirishima then pointed to a clothing store for adventurers. "Come on, let's go!" Kirishima said as he led the group there. "Are you sure we should let them goof off?" Midnight asked, "It's fine, we haven't sensed any bad energy, and we would definitely recognize a frieza force soldier." Goku said and went with the others. "Welcome! What can I do for you today?" The lady asked, "We're lookin' for some new gear." Kirishima said, "I see. If you'd tell me what type of adventurers you all are, I can show you what we have." The lady said,

 "What does she mean by that, Kirishima?" Todoroki asked, "It's kinda like heroes. You know how there are rescue heroes and such. It's kinda like that." Kirishima explained, "I get it. Like how Thirteen specializes in search and rescue." "Exactly! See, Midoriya gets it." Kirishima said, "So, what should we say?" Todoroki asked, "I got this. Midoriya here is a Crusader." "I am?" "Ah then follow me." The lady gestured for Midoriya to follow her and so he did. "This is what I have in stock for Crusaders. Feel free to try stuff on." The lady said as she returned to the others.

 "Shall we wait for your friend to pick an outfit?" "Yeah, that's fine." Soon Midoriya returned wearing a green vest with a white long sleeve shirt underneath, regular pants, regular shoes and some black gloves. "So, how does it look?" Midoriya asked, "You look great, Midoriya!" Kirishima said, "It does suit you." Yaoyorozu added, "You look... great... D-Deku." Uraraka said as her face turned red. "So, who's next?" The lady asked, "Right, Jiro here is a Thief." Kirishima said as he pushed Jiro forward. 

"Wait, I didn't say-." "Follow me." The lady took Jiro to the dressing room. "These are all the garments that I have for thieves. Try on what you like." "W-wait, I didn't-." Jiro tried to tell the lady that she didn't want to try anything on, but she had left before she could do so. "Great... Hm?" Jiro looked at the clothes. "These actually look good." Jiro said and began to try on the clothes. "Ok... what do you think?" Jiro returned wearing a purple top, some armor around her body, gray shorts with purple leggings, purple boots and some armored sleeves. "Wow, it's really fitting." Uraraka said, 

"Yeah, it looks good." Yaoyorozu added, "Thanks..." Jiro said with a slight blush. "Now for you, Todoroki. He's a Crusader too." "Right this way then." It was soon Todoroki was then taken to the back and returned with a new look. "Woah, you look like a nobleman." Kirishima said, "Really?" Todoroki looked at his clothes again. He was wearing a long sleeve white shirt, with a very nice looking blue coat, nice white pants, and blue boots. "It's very nice." Yaoyorozu said, "Thanks, I just put on what I liked." Todoroki said, 

"So, who's next?" The lady asked, "Uraraka, you want to be next?" Kirishima asked, "Yeah, this is really fun." "Right, so Uraraka here is a Mage." Kirishima said, "A mage?" "Follow me." The lady said, "Hold on, I don't know what a mage is." Uraraka said, but the lady still took her to the back. "Hm? What looks good-?! Oh, I'll try this on." Once Uraraka came back, she was sporting a light pink outfit with a darker pink cloak, pink gloves, black leggings and black shoes. "So? How do I look?" Uraraka asked, "You look amazing, Uraraka." "Oh Deku you don't have to flatter me so much!" Uraraka said as she waved her arms and smiled with her cheeks getting flushed. 

"Yao-Momo, wanna go next?" Kirishima asked, "I don't know.." "Come on, Yaoyorozu. It's fun!" Uraraka said, "Hm... Ok." "Great! Yaoyorozu is a Crusader." The lady led Yaoyorozu to the back, though taking a while, Yaoyorozu finally came out. "This was the best I could think of to wear." Yaoyorozu was seen wearing an armored top with shoulder plates, armored gauntlets, a red battle skirt, and long black boots.

 "It looks great, Yao-Momo. But now it's my turn! Another crusader!" Kirishima said and was led to the back. "Alright guys! Here I come! Ta-da!" Kirishima was now wearing a gray sleeveless vest, a red and black scarf, a gray glove on his left hand, grey pants and black boots. "Well? Do I look great?" Kirishima asked, "Yeah, you look really cool." Midoriya said, "Great! Now your turn Bakugou-." "I'm not wearing any of that!" Bakugou shouted,

 "Come on-." "Damn it, I said no!" Bakugou shouted, even though he tried his best efforts, Kirishima couldn't convince Bakugou to try on a costume. "So, with all of your outfits, that will be... 600 Eris." The lady said, "Uh... we don't have that kind of money." Kirishima said, "I see... tell you what, I'll save you those costumes and sell them to you when you get the amount needed." The lady suggested, "Yeah that sounds like a plan!" Kirishima said, "But how are you going to get the money?" Todoroki asked, 

"Let's see... if this is like an RPG... where can we find quests?" Kirishima asked, "At the guild just a few blocks down." The lady said, "Great let's get changed and head over." "Hold on, we're getting too distracted. We need to focus on getting the dragon ball." Vegeta said, "He's right, kids." Aizawa said, "Aw man! But I wanted to-." "Guys." The group looked at Goku. "The dragon ball is on the move, and it's not that far from here." Goku said as he showed them the radar. "Let's get back in our hero costumes." Todoroki said, and they all went to change. 

"Let's go!" Goku said, and they began to leave. "Save the clothes! I'll be back for them-!" "Kirishima, let's go!" The others said and they were off. "Where's the radar pointing too?" Vegeta asked, "Forward, the dragon ball should be close. It's coming this way!" Goku said as he watched the circle on the radar continue to get closer and closer. "It's almost-there! Huh?" Goku and the group looked up as the dragon ball stopped.

 When they looked at who was in front of them, they were met with three girls and a boy. "Can we help you?" The blonde haired girl asked, "That blue haired girl has the orb-Get her!" Bakugou shouted as he blasted forward. "Wah! Get away!" The blue haired screamed as she began to run. "Bakugou, get back here!" Goku said, "Hold up, Aqua!" The boy shouted as he and the other two girls chased after her and Bakugou. "We'd better go too!" Midoriya said as everyone began to run after the two.

To be continued...

Dragon Ball Super: Heroes Unite 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora