Chapter 39- Wanna Try

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"Kain hurry, answer the phone!" Mom cries out

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"Kain hurry, answer the phone!" Mom cries out.

"No, Mom. I don't want to leave you." I say back in my little kid voice.

"Just answer the phone, baby. Open your eyes," Mom says in a soft yet harsh whisper. "Open your eyes, Kainen!" Mom yells this time.

I open my eyes then sit up as fast as I can. I'm panting and sweat covers my body. I look around the bedroom and take in my surroundings. At first I don't recognize the room but flashbacks of last night come flooding in and I quickly remember where I am.

My Fathers lake house.

After I left my house last night, I just drove. I drove in and around Dalton. I went down every road and side road in town. After I decided that I've had enough of being in a car, I came straight here, to my Fathers lake house. I just wanted to be alone and think. And man, did I think. Some about Scott but mostly about Ayla. The Scott thing, yeah, I fucked that up. But that look on Ayla's face before she chased after Scott will forever haunt me.

The whole thing is fucked up, everything would be better if I didn't fucking exist. If Davis would of never gotten my Mom pregnant with me, he and Scott's mom would be together and everything would be nice and fucking dandy. I would give up everything I've worked hard for and just give up. Like, quit. I'm a shitty person anyway. Everyone's lives would be a lot peaceful and relaxed without me around.

The only good thing I've got going for me is hockey, nothing else. Fuck, I hate feeling sorry for myself. But I am ready to give up. I hate being here, I hate my life and everything. I hate almost everyone and most importantly...  I really fucking hate myself.

My phone dings in the pocket of my black jeans, that's on the floor. I move to the side of the bed and sit on the edge. My feet hit the floor, I lean down, dig through the pockets and pull out my phone. My phone was blowing up with texts and missed calls. The boys, Ember, Hazyl and some of the guys from the team and even the football team texted me asking where I am. Or, If I'm alive, If I'm okay, when I'm going back and who I'm with. The missed calls are from Boo, Luke and mostly from Ember. But the one notification that catches my eye is from Instagram. It says that Ayla has followed me back.

I'm not going to lie, my heart rate has picked up speed. Even though it's a little notification it still brings a smile to my face.

After what happened last night and what I said to her best friend, you would think she would've blocked me or something.

I pull into my driveway, Ember's Range Rover, Luke's truck and Hazyl's Wrangler are all parked in the driveway. I park my car by the front steps and just sit here for a minute or two. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel and stare out the windshield, looking at nothing in particular. After a while I open my car door and get out then walk up the steps. I push open the door, walk in and close the door behind me.

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