Chapter 93- Ghost From My Past

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"Are you going to Grey's birthday party tonight?" Boo asks from the couch in my living room

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"Are you going to Grey's birthday party tonight?" Boo asks from the couch in my living room.

"Yeah, probably. But I don't understand why the party is tonight, his birthday was 2 days ago. It's not like we had to wait until the weekend to fucking party." I answer from the kitchen.

"Grey's parents and younger siblings are gone out of town so we can have the party at his house." Boo tells me, not taking his eyes off the TV screen while he flips through channels. I don't say anything back. It goes quiet between us, besides whatever TV show he puts on. "Are you gonna bring Ayla to Grey's party?" Boo gets up and joins me in the kitchen. He sits on a bar stool across the island from me.

I stop what I'm doing and look at Boo like he just grew two heads. "Fuck that. No, I'm not. I probably won't even tell her about it. I'll just go by myself." I answer then finish making a sandwich.

Just because it's Grey's birthday, I know he'll expect me to bring Ayla to his party so he can get a hug or some kind of affection from Ayla then I'll have to beat his fucking ass all over again. It'll be best if Ayla doesn't go at all.

I cut my sandwich in half, pick up one side and I'm just about to take a bite when I see Boo reach over the island, scoop up the other half of my sandwich and shove the whole thing in his mouth, before I get the chance to snatch it back.

"I fucking hate you." I narrow my eyes and glare at him. Boo laughs and little bits of chewed up food fly out of his mouth. That causes us to both burst out laughing.

Me and Boo hang out until I have to go pick up Ayla. I won't ever admit this out loud, or to him, but I like having these one on one time with Boo. I've known Boo for as long as I can remember. Our Dad's are best friends, so that's how we met. Not long after we moved to Dalton, Mr and Mrs Walker invited us over to their house for dinner. The moment we met, we just clicked. We became instant friends. Our friendship grew over the years, and he became my best friend. Out of all my friends, Boo is the one I confide in the most. He knows the most of the night of the attack from Davis, not the whole story, maybe someday I'll tell him but I'm still getting over the fact that I told Ayla everything.

I still can't believe that I opened up that much and told Ayla the whole fucking story about Davis' attack on me and Mom. Ayla shoots random questions at me once in a while, I answer them the best I can then we'll go back to doing whatever we were doing. I like the fact that she isn't pushing me to hard, she's just trying to figure it out for herself, and getting an understanding of everything.

I pull up outside of Quinn's Cafe and wait for Ayla. I sit and wait for about two-ish minutes when the passenger door of my car opens and Ayla gets in. After she gets her seatbelt on, she sits back in her seat and let's out an exhausted breath.

"Tough day?" I ask and rest my hand on her left thigh, giving it a light squeeze.

Ayla covers my hand with hers. "You have no idea." Ayla says in a tired voice. Just by looking at her I can physically tell that she's tired.

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