Chapter 5- It's Lunchtime, Meathead

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My alarm goes off at 7:30am

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My alarm goes off at 7:30am. I groan, hit snooze, roll over and try to go back to sleep. My phone starts going off, I grab a pillow and put it over my face, holding it as tight as I can against my head. My phone rings again, I'm ready to throw the fucking thing across the room but I decide not too cause well I kind of need it. I lean over and snatch my phone off my nightstand and yanking it off the charger. It's Boo, he says coach wants to meet with the team before class. I shut my phone off and toss it to the other side of the bed.

I get out of bed, go to my bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth and get dressed. I put on a pair of blue broken jeans, black 12 retro winter Jordan's, plain black t-shirt, patchwork color block hoodie and all black Chicago Bulls SnapBack.

I go downstairs, walk to the kitchen, grab an apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchen island.

Mom's standing by the stove moving around scrambled eggs in a pan. She looks at me as I walk in the room. "Morning." Mom says with a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah." My voice is still kind of raspy from being woken up not even ten fucking minutes ago.

"Where are you off to so early?" Mom asks.

I walk to the fridge and grab a water. "Clutch wants to talk to us before class so I gotta go."

"Okay. See you later, honey. Have a good day!"

I kiss my Mom on her cheek, grab another apple and head to my car that's parked in the garage.

I walk into the school, walk down the stairs and go straight to Clutch's office. There's a note on the door saying to meet in the library.

Great. They couldn't fucking say that before I came down here. Jesus.

I turn around, walk all the way upstairs, walk down the long hallway and open the door to the library. I'm the last one to arrive. I pull up a chair and sit down.

Principal Steel, Vice Principal Locke, Clutch and a few cops are standing in front of us. They talk about Zander getting taken to the station. The story is twisted though, When Steel told the story, he said Zander got pulled over and the cops found him drinking and driving and that it was just him in the car. Alone. Me and Boo were never mentioned at all.

I look at Boo sitting at the table a head of me and shrug my shoulders. Clutch said he kicked Zander off the team so we'll have to work harder with being one man short and that he'll put out postings about a tryout to try and fill that open spot.

The ten minute bell rings, Steel dismisses us. Me, Boo, Luke, Grey and Myles stand up and walk to the door.

"Dude, what the hell was that?!" Boo says.

"What the hell do you mean what was that? We just got off the hook so shut your fucking mouth." I say in a harsh whisper so the adults can't hear. Though I can't say I'm surprised we got let off. Me and the boys always did a bunch of stupid shit that should of gotten us in trouble but having Davis as a father and his connections, all he has to do is his little fucking happy dance or whatever. We always get off with is a slap on the wrist.

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