Chapter 50- It's A Hoax

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Yesterday was definitely

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Yesterday was definitely... interesting. Before I left my house to drop off Ember's sketches, I figured they needed some contact information. You know, credits to the artist. So I had to use a phone book. Jeez, I hadn't used one of those in years.

Anyway, I found Ember's house phone number. I wrote it on a sticky note and stuck it on the folder. I dropped off the sketches, I told the guy to take a look at them, gave him the folder and sticky note then I left.

At lunch, yesterday, Ayla and I were sitting outside in the front of the school, having lunch when all of a sudden, Ember storms over to us and started yelling at me. She was upset because the editor at 'Blend' called her house number and either Ember's Stepmom or Dad called her and told her. She was mad that I submitted her work. So, Ember gave me an earful.

Then after practice Clutch informed us about the 'Father Son' charity hockey game on Friday. I was thinking about asking Nate but I don't know, I'm still not sure if I want to go. Maybe I'll skip it.

I walk into the kitchen for breakfast. Mom's at the stove making scrambled eggs. I walk to the counter and take a seat on the barstool. I grab the newspaper and right on the front page is a picture of Davis and Kain then in bottom corner is a tiny little picture of me. The title of the article written in big bold letters say 'Banks Family Dynasty' I quickly skim over the article. It basically says that Davis can't wait to play against his two sons and blah, blah, blah. It makes us out to be one big happy family. What a bunch of liars.

"Hey, ma. Can you believe this crap? They make it seem like Davis is the perfect family man.... Makes me sick." I scoff then I fold up the paper and toss it on the other side of the counter.

Mom walks over to me and dumps the eggs on my plate. She snickers and walks to the sink.

"I still want to change my last name to yours." I mutter. Not really talking to her in general, just saying it out in the open.

"Are you going to play or are you going to ask Nate if he wants to play?" Mom asks.

"Um, I don't know. I guess I'll ask Nate first and if he says no then I won't go." I say then I shove a forkful of food in my mouth.

Mom just nods her head then loads the dish washer.

I pick up Ayla and we drive to school. On the way, Ayla brings up the article. "So, I saw the article. You're just.. one... big happy family, huh?" Ayla says joking.

I glance at her with an emotionless face then look back at the road. Seeing the blank stare on my face causes Ayla to laugh.

After history class, I walk out of Mr Coven's class and walk through the hallway, not paying attention to anything. I end up bumping into Hazyl, she stumbles back, I reach out and grab her arm to help stead her.

When she realizes that it's me, she smiles cheekily and she bats her lashes. "Oh, hey, handsome. You're that eager to wish me a 'Happy Birthday', huh? You had to almost run me over." She laughs.

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