Chapter 90- Not The Whole Bottle

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"H- hello? Ember?" I say as I knock on Ember's bedroom door

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"H- hello? Ember?" I say as I knock on Ember's bedroom door.

She pops out from the small hallway in the far right corner, that leads to her en-suite bathroom and walk-in closet.

"Hey." She says then she goes back to either the bathroom or the closet.

So far, it isn't awkward, the conversation seems to be going good. I saunter over to her bed and sit down, with my back against the headboard. Yesterday, after I dropped Ayla off after giving her a ride in my car, and after Mom and I talked, I went into my room and called Ember. I tried to apologize to her but she said that she didn't need any apology and that we were still friends. Basically, I was nervous about talking to her for nothing.

We're friends, Ember and I are friends, nothing more and I'm perfectly fine with that. I mean, I'd rather be friends with her and still have her in my life then not having her in my life at all. Beggers can't be choosers.

"So, what's your plans for New Years Eve tonight?" I ask while I scan her room, not looking at anything in particular.

About a minute or two later, Ember comes over and stands at the foot of the bed. She smells the air then looks at me with a confused look. "Do... do you smell that?"

I sit up and shake my head. "Uh, no? What does it smell like?" I question.

Ember smells the air one more time. "You don't smell that? I... I think some people call it... Guilt." Then a smile breaks out on Embers face. "Hazyl and I called it quits on our friendship this morning." If Ember's hurt about it, she's doing a good job at not showing it.

"Oh, really? That sucks. I tried talking to her last night but she wasn't having any of it. She told me to get the hell out of there then slammed the door in my face. I'd say she's still pretty upset." I try to feel sympathetic but I honestly seen it coming. I knew their friendship wouldn't last much longer.

"Yeah, I guess." Ember sighs then sits at the edge of the bed, facing me. "Girls don't usually break up, we just sort of bitch and pull each others hair out until we work it out but..." Ember trails off and looks down at the bedspread.

"I'm sorry, Ember." Is all I can think to say.

Ember picks her head up and plasters on a fake smile. "Me too. I'm going to miss her eventually but until then." It's like a light bulb went off in Ember's head. She perks up and slaps my left leg. "Oh, hey. I'm glad you stopped in actually. I was just about to call you."

I look at her intrigued. "Why, what's up?"

"Kain's New Years Eve party. You going?" Ember says with excitement.

She must not of heard me when I asked her about her plans for tonight. I guess, the news of her and Hazyl calling it quits on their friendship is bigger than the party at Kain's tonight.

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