Chapter 100- Always Be Your Home

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 Last night was literally insane

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Last night was literally insane. Who would've thought all the events that happened all happened within four hours. I don't think anyone could've predicted what was to happen, it was crazy. I'm pretty sure Ember hates me and Hazyl hates me even more now but apparently they're friends again? I'm still trying to wrap my head around that part. And the whole Kain and Ayla thing is bizarre, again, I'm still trying to pull it all together.

Kain must've really hated me and wanted me off the team to go that great of distance. Ayla was pretty much collateral damage. He wanted to get me upset and he knew Ayla was it, so he went after her. I don't hate him for it but I'm definitely disappointed that he would do something like that, and to Ayla of all people. I think Kain got what he deserved, the look on his face when Ayla and I left his apartment was Karma.

I think everyone, including their grandmother warmed Ayla about Kain, I feel absolutely terrible for her. I know how deeply she cared for him, I might even say she loved him. Did I even hear Kain say he loves Ayla? In my honest opinion, I don't think Kain does. I think just said that so Ayla wouldn't leave. He thought if he said those three words, Ayla would swoon and melt into his arms. But it had the opposite effect.

With everything that happened, it couldn't have happened at a worse time. I'm moving literally tomorrow. I can't back out even if I wanted to, I'm pretty much all packed, I've got most of my stuff in order. I'm in to deep.

Ayla didn't say a word the whole way back to my house, and even now, she's barely said a word. I've gotten just about one word answers back. Oh, yeah, Ayla stayed the night with me last night. Her mom wasn't home and I didn't want her to be alone so I brought her home with me. Surprisingly Mom wasn't up when we got home, I'm slightly thankful for that. I gave Ayla a pair of my PJ bottoms and a old t-shirt to sleep in. I offered her the bed and said I would sleep on the floor but Ayla wasn't having any of that. She made me sleep in the bed with her.

She made a pillow barrier between us so she stayed on her side and I stayed on mine. Ayla cried herself to sleep last night, she tried to be quiet but I heard everything and it broke my heart. Ayla was her happiest self when she was with Kain or talking about Kain and all the while Kain was telling his friends everything.

This morning I woke up to find Ayla sitting up against the headboard, her knees to her chest and looking the closed door, in a daze. I sit up with my back against the headboard, to Ayla's left and nudger her with my elbow. "Hey, are you okay?" My voice coming out raspy and groggy.

Ayla blinks rapidly for a second then she turns her head to me. She opens her mouth then closes it a second later. "I... I think I'm gonna leave town." Is all she says. Ayla's voice coming out in a small voice, almost like a whisper.

I rub the sleep from my eyes then I look at her with my brows furrowed. "Wait, what? You're going to leave town? Wh- Where are you going to go, Ayla?" I ask confused. Ayla saying that she's going to leave town shocks me. I did not expect her to say that. I have no clue as to where she would even go.

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