Chapter 52- You as my Father

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I walk in the cafe and see Mom standing behind the counter, she's making a fresh new pot of coffee

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I walk in the cafe and see Mom standing behind the counter, she's making a fresh new pot of coffee. She turns her head, sees me and smiles. I return the smile as I walk up to the counter and sit down on the stool. Mom pushes a button on the coffee maker, the machine makes a weird sound then she comes over to me and leans against the counter across from me. "You hungry? Do you want something to eat before you get on the bus?" Mom questions.

I shake my head, no. "Um,... No thanks. I'll eat later. I want to go see Nate and thank him for playing in the Father Son game with me yesterday." I say with a slight smile.

Mom smiles and just nods her head then she turns and goes back to work. I hang around the cafe for a bit longer then I get up and head for the door. Just as I'm about to open the door, I turn and look back at mom. "Ma, I'm heading out. I'll see you before I get on the bus."

Mom pauses her conversation with someone, looks my way and waves at me. I nod my head once then I push the door open and go out to my car.

Nate doesn't work on Saturdays so I don't bother going to the DCA, I go straight to his apartment. Nate lives in an apartment building, it's a one bedroom small place. In my opinion, I think it's perfect for him.

I pull in the parking lot, park my car, get out and go up to Nate's apartment on the second floor. I walk down the hallway and stand in front of 5C, which is Nate's apartment. I knock on the door three times then wait. A couple seconds go by before Nate opens the door.

"Hey, Scott. What's up, man." Nate greets with shock. I probably should've called before I just randomly popped in.

"I, uh, I just wanted to stop in and see how you're doing." I say then stuff my hands in my pockets.

Nate waves me in. "Come in." Then he steps to the side so I can enter.

I stride in and walk to the breakfast bar, pull out the stool and have a seat. Nate stands on the other side of the counter.

He sighs and runs a hand over his face. "I'm, uh, well I'm definitely sore," Both of us laugh and Nate continues. "But... I'm good. I'm not as sore as I thought I would be."

I nod then look around the room. Nate's apartment is small, when you walk in from the front door, there's a closet on the right then to the left of the closet, is a small hallway and there's the bathroom. To the left of the bathroom is the bedroom. Back at the front door, on your left there's a small wall and on the other side of the wall is the kitchen. The kitchen is facing the living room. There's a breakfast bar separating the living room and kitchen. There's three chairs placed at the breakfast bar. everywhere is carpeted, except the kitchen and bathroom. The carpet is like a beige colour. The kitchen is laminate wood floors and the bathroom is white tile. All the walls are white.

"That's good. But hey, I wanted to come here and say thanks. You know... for what you did for Kain last night and what you've always done for me. I just want to say that I was proud to have you as my Father for the evening." I say in a soft sincere tone.

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