Chapter 4- What If I Don't?

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I meet Ayla by the retaining wall, we say our hellos and good mornings before our first day of 11th grade at Dalton High

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I meet Ayla by the retaining wall, we say our hellos and good mornings before our first day of 11th grade at Dalton High. We walk side by side up to the front door of the school, I open the door for Ayla, she walks in and I follow.

When you first walk into the school on your right is a large window then to the left of the window is a set of double doors, which lead into the front office. Across from the office is a small hallway, on the left is Principal Steel's office and on the right is Vice Principal Locke's office. From the front door you can see the library doors all the way down the corridor.

We stop at the front office first. I wait for Ayla in the hallway, a couple minutes later she comes out with a few papers in her hand.

"What's with the papers?" I ask.

"Some are for my Mom to sign and my class schedule and locker combination." Ayla says while putting the papers in order.

"Can I look at your schedule?"

Ayla nods her head, looks through her papers and hands me her class schedule.

I look over the paper. "It looks like we only have one class together, science. Your first class is math, c'mon I'll show you the way."

Her math class is a couple doors down from the main office, the ten minute warning bell goes off. In our school, there's three separate bells. The first bell is the ten minute warning bell. The second is the five minute warning bell, and lastly the last bell is the 'class is starting and you're late' bell.

We start walking down the hallway, Ayla looks around then turns her head to me. "Can you take me to my locker so I can put my bag in there before class?"

"Yeah, sure. Let's go." I say.

We walk a few feet then we make a right. We walk pass one staircase that leads up to the second floor then we pass another staircase that leads down to the basement. We walk a bit more then take a left and walk down the hallway. I look at the paper that has Aylas locker number on it and look at the numbers on the lockers but I realize the numbers aren't matching up and I soon realize that we're in the wrong hallway. The locker number that we're looking for is in the hallway over. Ayla's locker number is 2304, we're standing by 2235.

I scratch the back of my head. "Uhhh... We kinda went the wrong way, it's the next hallway over. Come on-." I turn to walk back in the direction we came from but someone slams into my shoulder. "What the hell! Dude, watch where you're going!"

After I yell at the guy who bumped into me, I realize who it is. I should of known it was him. Of all people, it had to be him.

He turns around and smirks. "Fuck, my bad. I didn't see you there." He looks to his right at his friends and they all laugh.

"Just watch where you're going." I say calmly.

"And what if I don't? What the fuck are you going to do about it?" Kain walks towards me and pushes me back at the shoulders.

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