Chapter 36- Like My Sister

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I slowly open my eyes, blink a few times and look up at the ceiling of my bedroom

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I slowly open my eyes, blink a few times and look up at the ceiling of my bedroom. I look to my left at the window, the vertical blinds block out most of the morning sun but some sneak through and make my room super bright. I sit up and look over my right shoulder at my alarm clock on my nightstand. The time reads 10:13am.

After the 'Home Opener' game last night Mom, Nate and Ayla were waiting for me at my car out in the parking lot. They congratulated me then Ayla and I went to Wendy's and binged out on burgers and fries. I dropped Ayla off at her house after we were done eating then I came home and went straight to bed.

I rub my eyes, stretch and get out of bed. I only sleep in my boxer briefs, I was too tired to put on my PJ pants. I walk over to my dresser, pull out a drawer, grab a pair of pajama pants and slip it on.

I walk in the kitchen, I see a white piece of paper on the counter. I walk over and pick it up. It's a note from Mom saying she's at the cafe and she wants me to stop in later.

After I make myself some breakfast, shower and get ready for the day, I text Ayla and see what she's doing. I set my phone on the kitchen counter, walk to the fridge and get me some water. When I walk back to the counter and check my phone, I have a text from Ayla. She said that her Mom just left for work and she's about to shower. I text back asking what her plans are for the day, Ayla replies back almost immediately saying that she has no plans. I quickly reply back telling her that I'll pick her up in an hour, she sends back a thumbs up emoji.

If Ayla was a guy, I would pick her up in like twenty minutes but instead I have to wait a whole hour for her. Girls take forever to get ready.

I walk in my bedroom, grab a book from my bookshelf, lay down on my bed and read while I wait for the hour to pass.

"Hey." Ayla greets me with a big smile on her face as she gets in my car.

"About time you finally come out. I'm getting old waiting out here." I say dramatically joking.

Ayla glares at me from the passenger seat and she rolls her eyes. "Oh, whatever. It doesn't take five minutes to look this good. It's a process, Scott," Ayla says. "Plus, you're already old." She quickly adds in.

Both Ayla and I are belly laughing by the time she stops talking. I eventually stop laughing, take a strand of her hair and run it through my fingers. "Well... you do look pretty good today," I mutter lowly. Ayla looks at me with her brows pulled together. I can't hold it in any longer. I burst out laughing. "I'm kidding! I'm only kidding!" I say.

Ayla's shoulders relax after hearing me say that. She lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank God! I though you were actually hitting on me. I was gonna say 'We can't be friends anymore'," Ayla smacks me on the back of my head. "You're an idiot." Then she falls back in the seat and she crosses her arms lazily over her stomach.

I laugh to myself then put the car in reverse and start backing out of Ayla's drive.

I drive down the road, I glance at Ayla to my right and nudge her with my right elbow. Ayla turns her head at me from looking out the passenger window. "Y- you don't actually think I would, like, hit on you, do you?," I quickly look at Ayla. "You're like my sister. I don't like you like that. Just so you know." I say.

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