Chapter 88- I Lied And Cheated

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I spent all day yesterday just thinking about everything, my life more specifically

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I spent all day yesterday just thinking about everything, my life more specifically. And I came to the decision that this is not how I want to live my life anymore. I don't want to be known as a cheater or someone who I know I'm not. Mom and Nate raised me better than that, to be the best version of myself. I look at what I did with Jia as me hitting rock bottom. That was a new low for me, and I never plan on that happening again.

So from that moment on, I'm going to make things right with Hazyl, Ember and Ayla. I think I'm just going to start off by apologizing to each of them and see where it goes from there.

I knock on Hazyl's front door and wait. Hazyl's Jeep is the only vehicle parked in the driveway, besides my car. You would think that since it's the holiday season, Hazyl's parents would be home to be with their only daughter. I hate that they leave Hazyl by herself so often, that's not right. Hazyl is over eighteen so she's an adult but still, who wants to be left home alone all the time?

Hazyl answers the front door, she's wearing a lavender coloured house coat and matching slippers. Clearly she doesn't plan on going out today but that's fine. When Hazyl sees that it's me standing on her doorstep, she tries to slam the door in my face but I stop the door with my foot.

"Wait, wait, Hazyl. I- I know that you have every reason to not listen to what I have to say but, please..." I plead.

Hazyl opens the door again. The look on her face tells me that she wants nothing to do with me, that I'm the last person on earth that she wants to talk to right now. "You're right, I don't. Bye." She tries shutting the door on me again but I stop it with my shoe.

"Look, Hazyl, I'm not asking you to forgive me. Alright? I just want you to know how incredibly and truly sorry I am for what I did. You, of all people, didn't deserve being treated like that."

I'm not used to this type of apologizing so I'm basically just winging it for the most part. I never saw the point of cheating. I always thought it was so easy and simple not to do it. I thought that all you had to do was break up with the person you're dating and be with the one you want, without having to hurt the other person. But, I wanted both of them. That's how selfish I am. I wanted both Hazyl and Ember.

Hazyl stands at the threshold with her arms crossed over her chest. She has an uninterested, pissed off look on her face. "How sorry you are?," She scoffs and shakes her head. "Did you know that almost the whole time we were together, I actually thought I loved you? What a joke, right?," Hazyl looks at me but it's like she sees right through me. "You know, I honestly thought you were different than the other guys but,... you're just like every other guys out there. You're a cheater and fucking liar."

I shove my hands in my jeans pocket and take the blows from Hazyl, but it's not like I don't deserve it. I'm a terrible person, I know that. "You're right, I lied and cheated on you. There's no excuse for that but-"

Hazyl cuts me off. "Whatever, Scott. As far as excuses go, you don't owe me one. I'm not your girlfriend anymore. And as of right now, I'm not even your friend, not now and probably not ever. So get the hell out of here." Then she slams the door in my face.

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