Chapter 14- Let Me See The Damage

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"That'll be $36

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"That'll be $36.54," Says the cashier.

I slide forty dollars across the counter. "Keep the change." I mumble.

"Thank you." He says with a bright smile.

I walk back to my car and get in. I put the bottle on the floor in front of the passenger seat.

I pull out of Swen's and make my way to the lake house.

The good thing about Swen's is that they never card me or anyone. I mean, it's probably not a good thing but at this moment I'm glad they don't card.

I'm driving down the road and my mind starts racing. If only I had the balls to hit him back, if I could move Mom and me far away from him and this fucking town, I would. The next time I see him I'm pounding his fucking face in. I want to make him swallow his fucking teeth.

"FUCK!" I yell and punch the steering wheel.

I lean over the middle console and grab the bottle of CIROC that I just bought at Swen's. I screw off the cap and tilt the bottle up, the liquid burns as it runs down my throat. It makes me cough a little.

By the time I reach the lake house the bottle is between half and empty.

There's about thirty or more cars that line up on the right side of the driveway. I drive past the cars and make my way to the front and park by the front door.

I get out of my car and walk to the door. It's dark out so it's hard to find the right key to the door.

A couple minutes go by and I still can't find the key. Boo walks up to me and sees me struggling, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and puts on the flash light. I drop the set of keys, he bends down and picks them up then drops them in my hand. He shines the light on my face. "Are you okay?"

I close my right eye and squint with my left. "Yeah, why?" I say with a bit of a slur.

"Your cheeks are all red and your voice is deep and raspy. Are you drunk?" Boo asks.

I hold my hand up and block the bright light shining directly into my fucking eyes. "Fuck off."

Boo looks at my car then back to me with a mad look on his face. "Did you drive up here drunk?"

I manage to somehow unlock the door. I put the keys back in my pocket and look at Boo blankly. "I said fuck off." I open the door and walk inside.

I go to the bar and grab whatever bottle I see first, which is a white bottle and written in black letters are the words 'Malibu'. I take the cap off and down half the bottle in a matter of seconds.

The lake house starts to fill up, fast. There's people everywhere. I walk to the living room and stand by the large windows that look out onto the back deck and lake.

A couple guys walk up to me and tell me that I played a good game and the same old bullshit, I zone out while they talk to me. I look around the room, I can see the front door from where I'm standing. The door swings open Myles, Grey and Luke walk in. I stumble over to them, completely abandoning the conversation those guys were having with me.

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