Chapter 65- Emancipation

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"What are you doing later?" Boo asks me while he keeps his focus on the Tv screen

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"What are you doing later?" Boo asks me while he keeps his focus on the Tv screen.

"I have to go downtown and pick something up but... that's about it. Why?" I say looking down at my phone, looking through the old conversation between Ayla and I.

"I don't know. Just wondering." Boo says back and shrugs without looking at me. "Are you excited about going to Rochester next weekend?"

I blow out a long sigh and let my head fall back on the back of the couch. "I mean, I'm not really excited but I am fucking pumped to be getting the fuck out of town."

Boo turns his head to his left and looks at me. "Things are still fucked with your parents?" He says concerned.

I nod. "Yup. They're still fucking fighting over me but... that'll all change soon." I stare at the floor, lost in thought.

"What do you mean?" Boo asks confused.

I turn my head and check the time on Boo's alarm clock. The court office downtown closes at 2 since today is Sunday. Everything fucking closes early on Sundays, I hate it.

I have about twenty minutes to get there before it closes or I'll have to wait until tomorrow, which I don't want to do. I stand up and walk to the threshold of Boo's room then I stop and turn around to face him. "I'll tell you about it later." I say to him then I leave.

I quickly go to the court house, pick up a folder with the Emancipation forms and other papers then I talk to the woman, she gives me a serious talk then tells me the time of the hearing and date. The whole sit down with the woman lasts about an hour then I finally leave.

I can't go to Ayla's house yet, she's still working at the cafe. I would go to the cafe and visit her but that would be fucking weird. That's Scott's territory, I stay far away from there. Well, except when I sometimes pick Ayla up after her shift.

I decide to just go home, or well, my Mom's house since I don't really live there, right now. I don't actually have a place to call home at the moment, I've been bouncing between Davis' and my Mom's house. They're still going through with the divorce, Mom's just waiting for Davis to sign the damn papers then the divorce will be final. Typical Davis, does things on his own accord. He can't just sign the papers and be done with it, he has to make my Mom's life a living fucking hell first.

I pull in the driveway of my Mom's house and notice that her car isn't home. Every Sunday, about this time, she goes out to a late brunch with some of the other Mom's on the team. She'll be gone for a while.

I unlock the front door, walk in, go straight up to my bedroom and take a nap. I don't know how long I sleep but I get woken up by my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I growl, reach over and snatch it off the stand, all without opening my eyes. I look at the screen and see that Ayla is calling me. I swipe and answer her call.

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