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6:00am comes early, Well to be honest, my mom has been making me wake up this early, you know, to practice waking up early for school next week

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6:00am comes early, Well to be honest, my mom has been making me wake up this early, you know, to practice waking up early for school next week. The hardest part for me is staying awake, I love to hit the snooze button like thirty times before I actually get up.

I pry my body out of bed and walk into the kitchen. Mom is already dressed and making breakfast. The usual, two eggs over easy, toast, bacon and some fruit.

I sit at the table and she places the plate in front of me then goes back to the stove and starts making herself something to eat. It's a quiet morning, the sun is out, clear blue skies, yes even this early in the morning, the sky here is already clear and blue. Not a cloud in sight.

I start eating my food, half way through, Mom comes and sits with me at the table. "What's left on your list for school supplies?".

I swallow my food, grab my napkin and wipe my mouth. "I think all that's left is a couple notebooks, a few binders and some clothes."

Mom looks at me then smiles a sad smile. "We'll go get your clothes another day," She reaches over and puts her left hand on her forearm. I look up at her and nod my head. Her thumb rubs small circles on my arm then she pulls her hand away. "But we'll go get the notebook and binders later. Okay?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, sure." This time Mom smiles a comforting smile. "Okay"

I know we don't have a lot of money to spend on getting new clothes for me. I already told her that I don't need new clothes, that the clothes I have now are fine but she insists that she buy me new ones.

I don't want to argue with her because I know she'll stand her ground, so I'm not even going to try and argue so instead of arguing with her, I'm just going to nod my head and agree with her.

I finish my food, rinse off my plate, thank my Mom for making me food, go back to my room and start my process of getting ready for the day.


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Whatever possessed my father to yell at this ungodly fucking hour in the morning from all the way downstairs is fucking stupid. Doesn't he know that there's people trying to sleep in this house?

I roll onto my back and rub my eyes. Without even opening my eyes I yell back. "I am up!"

I lean up on my left elbow and grab my phone off my nightstand to see what time it is. It reads 6:15am. Great, I got exactly three hours and seventeen minutes of sleep. I throw my phone to the other side of the bed, grab my pillow and put it over my face. It seems like I just closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep when I hear.

"Kainen, I said get your ass up now!"

This fucking guy doesn't know when to quit.

I yank the pillow off my face and yell back. "I said I'm up!"

"Jesus Christ." I mutter under my breath even though I'm the only one in the room.

After a few more minutes of laying in bed, I get my ass up. Or else he won't stop fucking screaming from downstairs. Why he decides to yell from downstairs when he can just walk up the stairs and talk normal to me, I'll never fucking understand.

I roll out of bed, put some sweats on then a shirt and go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen, my Dad is sitting at the table, sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper. Maybe someone pissed in his coffee, that's why he's yelling.

I look around the big kitchen. Usually Mom's always in the kitchen. It's her favorite room out of this big ass house. She's always cooking or doing something in here. "Where's Mom?"

Dad puts the newspaper down, takes a sip of his coffee then clears throat, all without looking at me and he still isn't looking at me. "Uh, she went to the store early this morning."

There's something weird in my father's voice but whatever, that's their problem. I drop the subject entirely. I grab an apple from the fruit bowl, walk out of the kitchen and go back upstairs to my room.

I shut the door behind me. My phone is ringing when I walk in my room. I grab my phone from my bed and sit down on the edge of my mattress. The caller ID reads, Boo.

Great, it's way to early in the morning to listen to whatever stupid shit he has to say.

I hesitantly answer the phone.

"What do you want, Boo?"

"Well good morning to you too sunshine." I hear him chuckle to himself through the other end of the line.

I roll my eyes and sigh. I'm not in the mood to put up with him right now. "Shut the fuck up, Boo. You're so annoying. Bye." I end the call before he can say anything.

Honestly, I don't like being a dick to everyone but I just can't help it. Everyone and everything pisses me off. Oh well, I'm going shower. Fuck it.

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