Chapter 2- Babysit This Kid

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"Kain, if you don't lift more weight you might as well give up your chance at becoming captain this season

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"Kain, if you don't lift more weight you might as well give up your chance at becoming captain this season." Dad adds more weight on the bar before I finish my set.

Who the fuck even asked him for advice? Oh, that's right. No one fucking did! I hate when he gets like this, he gets in control and starts adding more weight then I can handle but I don't want him see that I'm struggling. As soon as he sees even the slightest push back, he turns it up a few notches higher.

I was doing just fine working out on my own. I know he pushes me to be a better hockey player than he was but times like this I wish he would fucking lay off. Even for a bit. I'm in off season so all I've pretty much been doing is hitting the weights and working on my cardio. I'm really trying to bulk myself up this hockey season.

I don't really stand up to my Dad because he'll quit helping me get to where I want to be, which is the NHL. Me and him, we have a strict plan. Dominate in high school, commit to Boston college then get drafted to the league after college or during college, which ever comes first.

This year I'm trying to be captain, the school has given the captain position to two other 11th graders before me, my grandfather Lyle Banks and my Dad Davis Banks. My Dad was a better hockey player than my Grandfather. My Dad holds almost all the hockey records at Dalton High. Back in the day my Dad's team won division finals and went to state but didn't win.

My goal is to try and break all his records, win division finals and state by the time I graduate high school. We won division the last 2 years, we just can't fucking seem to win State. This year, we're definitely winning State though. I'm going to fight like hell to win division and State just to stick it to the man.

I release a frustrated growl. "Dad, I was just warming up. Can you leave me alone while I workout?"

I like to workout by myself. I take out a lot of my anger on the weights, you probably don't want to be in the line of fire while I'm in the gym.

I get up from the weight bench, walk over to the weight plates, grab two 40 pound plates, put them in the bar, lay down and try to lift it. I can only do two lifts, on the third attempt to lift the bar my arms pretty much give out and the bar lands on my chest. I fight with everything in me to get the damn thing off of me but my arms are dead. Dad must sees my face turning red or purple, he finally walks over and helps me out. I sit up and take a few deep breaths. I walk over to the floor to ceiling mirror, take off my shirt, there's a faint red line across my chest from the bar, the line seems to be getting darker and darker every few seconds from having a 160lb weight bench bar falling on it. I hear a faint chuckle, I look up in the mirror and see the smirk on my Father's face.

Asshole doesn't even ask me if I'm alright.

"See, you're to weak. You just want to mess around, you're not taking this seriously. If you want that captain spot this season, you're going to have to put in the work." I look at the guy with complete shock plastered on my face.

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