Chapter 26- Keep You Company

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I park the car and shut it off but I don't make a move to get out.

"What are you doing? You getting out?" Boo asks.

"No." I bluntly say.

Boo shrugs. "Alright then."He opens the passenger door and gets out.

The rest of the boys get out next. Grey shuts the door and they walk to the girls car that's parked besides us, to our right.

I pull my phone out of my pocket. I can't do much, I don't have Twitter or Instagram or Snapchat. I'm thinking of joining Instagram though. The guys always hound me to join some kind of social media platform.

I can't hear what any of them are saying but once in a while they'll turn and point at me.

Keeping my head down at my phone and make myself oblivious to their conversation.

My passenger door suddenly opens and a girl with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with pale skin gets in.

Who the fuck said she could get in my fucking car?

I pull my brows together and look at her with an annoyed expression on my face. "Uh, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" I ask irritated.

This girl has an innocent look on her face. She honestly looks like she's fucking thirteen. I can't do anything with her if she is. But why the fuck would she get in my car if she is thirteen? She has to be around our age.

The girl shrugs. "You looked lonely over here so I wanted to keep you company."

"I don't need you to keep me fucking company. How old are you anyway? You look like you're like fucking twelve or fucking thirteen."

The girl laughs. "No, I'm seventeen. Are you always this mean?"

"If you don't like it then get the fuck out of my car." I say and nod outside.

"Relax. I don't mind it. So, why are you in here instead of being over there with everyone else?" The girl asks.

I fucking hate nosey people. None of my fucking business, is any of their fucking business.

"You ask a lot of fucking questions." I sarcastically say.

"Yeah well you don't answer any of them." The girl says with a small grin.

I look down at my lap. "Maybe, I don't wanna fucking talk to you?"

This girl leans over and rests up against my center console. She's giving me that stare... You know which one I'm talking about.

"Let's not talk then." She says in a nonchalant tone.

I look over at her to try and read her face.

She leans in further and runs her fingertips on my right forearm.

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