Chapter 86- I Prefer Plan B

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I pull back the door of my Mom's cafe and walk out of the building

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I pull back the door of my Mom's cafe and walk out of the building. I walk down the one step, stepping down on the sidewalk. I turn left, heading toward my car, that's parked by the curb. I look down as I walk, pulling my car keys out of my jeans pocket and not paying attention to my surroundings. My key chain gets snagged on my pocket lining. I pull it and walk at the same time and I walk right smack into someone. "Oh, shoot. I am so sor-" I cut my self off when I look up and see who I ran into. It's Hazyl.

Hazyl rolls her eyes, pushes past me and walks by me. We haven't spoken since I ended things at her house. And now that she knows that Ember and I were sneaking around behind her back, she really doesn't want to talk or see me. I mean, not that I blame her. I've tried to call her a handful of times, to try and explain myself but she won't pick up. I've sent her text messages but she won't respond. I figured I'd give her space since clearly she doesn't want anything to do with me.

I spin around, looking at Hazyl's retreating back. "Hazyl, I'm sorry." I say and that makes Hazyl halt.

Even though she's wearing a big puffy winter coat, I see her shoulders slump. She turns around, facing me. We stand about 15 feet apart. "Are you though? I'd say you mean it but I think you're just sorry that you got caught." Hazyl's voice coming out cold, she looks at me like I'm a disgusting monster.

"Ember and I... We.... Didn't mean to hurt you." I mumble.

Hazyl scoffs, her breath comes out in a white puff of air, from it being so cold outside. "What the hell did you think would happen? That I'd laugh and say that everything would be okay?"

"We didn't expect it and have it work out that way." I say.

The look on Hazyl's face tells me that she doesn't want to hear whatever I have to say. She shakes her head in disbelief. "Fuck you, Scott. Go to hell." Hazyl spits then she whips around and storms away.

Of all things that could of happened, I had to run into Hazyl today. Of all days. Hazyl hates me, Ember isn't talking to me at the moment and Ayla is still mad at me about the Ember and Hazyl thing. Where did I go so wrong in my life? Who knew I had such terrible luck with women. The only female presence in my life now, is my Mom. It's pretty much how it is like before. Hazyl and Ember aren't talking to me, but they're not talking to each other and Ayla is avoiding me.

The majority of the day goes by agonizingly slow. I tried texting the guys but they're busy. Weston is playing video games, that kid could spent a whole week playing video games nonstop. Ardyn is gone away for the weekend and the twins are gone skiing. I even resorted to texting Kain, thinking he's free since Ayla was working but he's training with some guy named Spencer.

By supper time, I get a text from Mom telling me to go to the cafe to have supper with her and Nate. I walk in the cafe and smell the aroma of whatever Mom cooked fill my nostrils. The smell makes my stomach rumble. The diner is cleared out, the sign on the window says that the place is closed for the night.

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