Chapter 91- Traumatizing Night Of My Life

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"Do you actually want to attend this kiss ass event?" I complain while I button up my black dress shirt

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"Do you actually want to attend this kiss ass event?" I complain while I button up my black dress shirt.

"Yes, Kain. We're going." Ayla's voice comes from the bathroom.

"My Dad probably doesn't even want to fucking see me after last nights shenanigans." I walk over to the floor length mirror and check myself out.

Ayla comes out from the closet, the second I see her in the reflection in the mirror, I spin around. My throat goes completely dry, my mouth hangs open, my eyes almost pop out of my head and my dick goes rock hard. I have to rearrange my pants because my cock is pulsing painfully. Fuck, she's gorgeous. I hear myself gulp, the air feels like it's been sucked out of the room and suddenly it seems like everything around us has come to a stop.

"Holy fuck." I say, at a loss for words.

Ayla's wearing a floor length dress, it's like a lace material. It goes over the top of her shoulders. Her hair is in a braid, wrapped around the back of her head. To top it off, she's wearing black lipstick. Ayla notices me staring at her with hungry eyes, I'm eyeing her like she's a piece of steak, and I haven't eaten in weeks.

She walks over to me with a shy smile. I take her hand in mine, lift my hand up and she twirls. Her movements are almost in slow motion. I look at her body from head to toe. "Damn, babe. You look absolutely fucking exquisite. You're so beautiful."

Ayla's cheeks turn a shade of pink, she blushes at my compliment. She's not comfortable taking compliments, but I throw them at her so I can break that insecurity of hers. "Thanks. It's not to often I get all dressed up so,... enjoy it while it lasts." She laughs lightly.

I literally cannot take my eyes off of her, she looks so fucking stunning. Something sparkly catches my eye, I look at her neck and notice she's wearing the matching necklace and earrings I got her for Christmas. God, this girl is going to be the death of me.

We're both wearing black attire to this stupid party. This is the second year my family has put up a New Years Day formal. It's at my Mom's house, usually both her and Davis are the hosts but I don't know how the hell this'll turn out this year. I almost didn't go last year, I was severely hungover. The party was at my house and I was a little over two hours late. It took me fucking forever to get ready. I wore sunglasses the whole time and barely said a word.

Who knows if my parents expect me to show up this year. They probably think I'm passed out drunk somewhere. Jokes on them though, because I am going. The only reason I'm going to this damn party is by none other than Ayla. She thinks that since Davis bailed my ass out of jail last night, I owe it to him to go. I told her that I'd only go if she came with me, so here we are.

I open my passenger door for Ayla then help her get out. I shut the door, turn and look towards the house I once lived in.

Ayla must've felt my body tense when she hooked her arm in mine because she asks, "You okay?"

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