Chapter 33- You Cry Ass

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"So, what are we doing for lunch today?" Boo asks

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"So, what are we doing for lunch today?" Boo asks.

I stuff my math textbook in my locker. " 'We'? Who the fuck says we're doing anything?" I answer Boo back without looking at him.

I close my locker door, turn to my right and face Boo.

"Well I- I don't know. I was just asking." Boo says in a fake sad tone.

I sigh and shake my head.

Looking around at the people passing by, I notice a group of about four girls walking by, checking me out.

I just flatly ignore them and look back to Boo. "I haven't even thought that fucking far ahead yet. Let's go see what the other guys are doing first." I say a little more calmly.

Boo and I meet up with Grey, Luke and Myles outside at our usual picnic table. Myles and Luke are sitting on the left side and Grey is sitting on the right. Boo jogs up to the table and takes a seat beside Grey. I walk up casually to the table and sit at the head of the table with my back to the boys.

The boys are all in their own conversation. Not even two minutes later, the front door of the school swings open and out walks Ember and Hazyl.

I roll my eyes and mumble to myself. "Fuck!"

The boys all quiet down. Boo taps my side, I lean to my left and Boo whispers. "Hey, look Kain. Here comes your girl."

I growl in frustration then whisper back in a harsh whisper. "Shut the fuck up, Boo."  I hear the boys hushing their laughs.

As I turn my head to look straight ahead, Ember's face comes directly into view. I have no fucking choice but to look at her. Her face is mere inches away from mine.

"Hey, baby." Ember says in a girly annoying as hell high pitched voice.

Before I can say anything she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me. I stiffen, my body tenses up.

I hear Luke say something but I can't make it out then not even five seconds later Boo taps my shoulder. I manage to turn my head to the left, Boo leans over and whispers. "Look. There's Scott. Check it out, there's massive shiner on his face."

I move Ember to the left a bit then look around her and see Scott and Ayla. Scott looks like he wants to fucking come over here and rip all our fucking heads off. I don't understand why he'd be fricken mad. I mean, he fucking won. He fucking beat me.

Looking beside Scott, I see Ayla, she has a look on her face like she's watching her dog get ran over about ten fucking times in a row.

Then I remember that I still have my hands on Ember's hips, I immediately take my hands off her. Ember release her arms from around my neck and takes a step back. She looks at me with a puzzled look but I don't pay any attention to her.

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