Chapter 34- Just You

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The bell rings letting us know that class and school is over

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The bell rings letting us know that class and school is over. I walk into the boys changing room, go to my gym bag and change my clothes.

It's Friday, which means that I bring my gym bag home with me so I can wash my nasty, smelly gym clothes. Then on Monday, I'll bring them back here to school.

I open the door, walk out of the changing room and walk down the hallway but I hear two male voices call out to me. "Hey, Scott!" One voice says.

"Wait, hold up!" The other voice yells.

I stop walking, turn around and see Kroy and Jerek coming up towards me. Kroy speaks up first beating his identical twin brother to the punch. "We just wanted to say 'Good luck' on tonight's game."

"Oh and score me a goal." Jerek adds in.

I chuckle. "Thanks guys. And I'll try. See you guys later." I say, turn back the way I was headed and walk.

I head to my locker to grab my book bag then I go outside. Ayla's already standing by the brick half wall, near the bus stop. She's hugging some textbooks to her chest and looking out towards the parking lot. I sneak up to her and scare her, she punches me on the chest. As payback for me scaring her.

I rub the spot on my chest where Ayla hit me. "Jeez, Ayla. Are you done with your anger issues? Can I have a conversation with you or are you going to hit me again?" I say and raise my eyebrows, waiting for her to answer me back.

"Are you done going around scaring people?" Ayla says.

I look around at the people around us. "I'm not going around scaring people. It was just you." I clarify.

Ayla just rolls her eyes. "Aw, thanks. I feel special." She says in a dry tone.

I stick my tongue out at Ayla then dig in my pocket, pull out my car keys and dangle them from my hand. Ayla makes a confused facial expression as she looks at the keys in my hand. "What?" Ayla asks.

I wiggle my eyebrows. "Guuueeesssss whhaaaatt..."

Ayla shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head. "I don't know. Scott just tell me." Ayla demands.

I pull the keys back to my chest. "Jeez, you're almost as happy as Kain is all the time." I smirk but that earns me another punch to my chest, again. I rub the spot on my chest where Ayla hit me, twice in the same spot.

Ayla sighs in frustration. "Scott, just tell me what I'm supposed to be guessing."

I forgot what I was going to tell her for a second but then it comes back like a light bulb. "Oh yeah! What I was going to tell you before you turned into Mike Tyson was that I don't have practice today, which means..." I trail off and Ayla finishes my sentence for me.

"You can drive me home and I don't have to ride the nasty bus?!" Ayla says excitingly.

I laugh at how she was getting more and more excited with every word. I nod towards the parking lot. "Ready or what? Let's go."

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