Chapter 97- Let The Games Begin

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So I leave the day after tomorrow

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So I leave the day after tomorrow. It's crazy. As I sit here on my bed and look around my now bare bedroom, pretty much everything is packed up, I just can't believe that I'm leaving. After tomorrow, I won't be staying in this bed, this room, jeez, even this house. I'll have a new everything in Rochester. This has been my room since I was a baby, I've looked at these four walls everyday of my life so far.

I look down at the floor and see the scuff mark on the floor, I made that mark when I was 13, I was making a bottle rocket in that exact spot, and it exploded, there's a matching mark on the ceiling right above. Yeaaah, Mom wasn't to happy with me that time. I look at the height measurements on the bathroom door frame, Mom started measuring my height when I was one and stopped just last summer, Mom says I stopped growing. I look to my left at the broken blind on my blinds, covering the window. That was when I was 8, Ardyn, Weston were over, we were trying to see who could do the coolest trick off the bed. I went, then Ardyn went and lastly it was Weston's turn. He went to do a front flip but didn't commit and went sideways and flew into the blinds. We tried taping it but the material wouldn't let the tape stick so it kept falling. We hid it from Mom for a few months but you can't hide anything from Mom's so she knew the entire time.

This room holds so many memories. I could lay here and think about all the memories I have in here, I would be here all day just going down memory lane.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, pulling me from my thoughts. It's a text from Ardyn saying him and the guys will meet me at Kain's apartment for the party. Kain asked Weston to DJ the party again. Ember and I agreed to go to the party as friends again, I still like that we can hangout and just be friends, there's no sexual tension, no tension at all really. It's just a good time with her.

I text Ember and ask her if she's ready. Yesterday Ayla told me that her and Kain decided not to invite Hazyl, she said Kain wouldn't tell her why he didn't want to invite her, all he said was that he didn't like her. Kinda weird but Kain is a weird guy. Ember responds back saying that she's ready, I tell her that I'll pick her up in 20 minutes, and she sends back the thumbs up emoji.

I get off my bed, go to my bathroom and take a quick shower. I decide on this outfit for tonight.

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