Chapter 60- Precious Cargo

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"Kain stayed the night with you last night?" I say a little to loud for Ayla's liking

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"Kain stayed the night with you last night?" I say a little to loud for Ayla's liking.

Ayla covers my mouth with her hand and tells me to shush. She drops her hand a few seconds later.

"Yeah, he did. He said that it was hectic at his house so he came over to my place." Ayla explains to me.

I take a drink of my coffee then I put it down to my side. "But you two didn't... like..." I say awkwardly, not wanting to say the actual word.

Ayla whips her head to me and franticly shakes her head, no. "No! No, nothing happened. We just watched a movie then we went to sleep. That's it."

I sigh a sigh of relief. Ayla is like a sister to me. I feel like it's my deed to be the protective older brother figure in her life.

"Okay, good." I say then take another drink of my coffee.

It goes quiet between for a bit then Ayla starts talking. "Oh hey, so how was your date or hang out with Hazyl go the other day?"

I think about what to tell her. I don't know if I should tell her that I had sex with Hazyl or not. But knowing Ayla, she'll probably want all the gory details of everything.

"Uh, it was... good." I say slowly.

Ayla turns her head and looks at me like she doesn't believe a word I'm saying. "Okaaaay. Can you say that with more enthusiasm, please." She says sarcastically and laughs.

I blow a raspberry. "Funny. No, yeah, we had a good time. We had a few drinks. We laughed. We had fun."

Ayla slightly nods her head. I can't tell what she's thinking. "So what did you two do?"

"We went to Tizzies the-" I say but Ayla cuts me off. "Wait, isn't that a bar?" Ayla says with her brows pulled together.

"Y- yeah..."  I trail off.

"You're only seventeen, how did you manage to get served?" Ayla looks at me confused.

"Hazyl got us fake ID's." I say then pull out my wallet, take out the card and hold it out for Ayla to take.

Ayla takes the card and examines it deeply. "Samson?" Ayla says then laughs. She gives me back the card and I put it back in my wallet, putting my wallet in my pocket. "So, you two went to Tizzies then what?"

"We played Billiard, did Karaoke then we went back to her place and got in her hot tub." I stop myself from talking furthermore. I fall into a daydream, remembering the night.

Ayla nudges me with her elbow, pulling me out of the daydream. I shake my head, shaking the thoughts out of my head then I look at her. "Earth to Scott. Wait, did you and Hazyl?..." The look on her face shows me that she's putting the pieces together.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Scottlan Joseph Banks, did you have sex with Hazyl whatever her last name is?" Ayla fake scolds me.

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