Chapter 13- I Don't Go Out

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'Lose Yourself' by Eminem is always my go-to song to get motivated

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'Lose Yourself' by Eminem is always my go-to song to get motivated. I bounce my head to the song that's playing in my earphones. I see someone walk in so I look up and see coach and some other guy in a suit, kind of similar to coaches suit, walk in the room. They're both standing by the white board near the door, coach talks about playing like this game is the championship or something.

He tells us that it's time to go out on the ice, we all stand up and walk towards the door and go out on the ice. I skate a lap or two on our side of the ice then I stretch, while I stretch I look around the arena for my Mom, Nate and Ayla. I see them at their seats behind our bench but at the very top of the seating section but they aren't sitting, they're standing talking to other people.

I don't see Ayla yet. Maybe, she's running late. She said she'd be here though. The buzzer goes off, I get up and skate to the blue line. The National Anthem plays, I look back at Mom and Nate. This time they see me, Mom waves excitingly and Nate nods his head at me. I just smile at them.

I see a small figure move on Nates left side, I look closer and see Ayla just getting to her seat. She looks at me and give me a small smile which I return back to her.

The song ends, Kain and the other guys are huddled by the goalie. I skate to my position, I can tell they're talking about me because they keep looking over at me.

The ref blows the whistle and everyone that's first line gets in their spots. The puck drops Kain wins the face-off and passes to the other winger. He carries it in Malone's zone, I bang my stick on the ice to let him know that I'm open.

Kain is screening in front of their net.

The guy with the puck looks at me but passes back to our defense, he passes to our other defenseman then back to the other guy. He lifts his stick and takes a slap shot, the puck is a little high going to the net but Kain hits it down with his stick and it goes between the goalies pads, 1-0.

Honestly, it sucks knowing only Kain's name on the team. I'm glad we scored but they could've passed to me. I really hope the rest of the game isn't going to be like this. We're on the same team, we all want the same thing, which is to win, obviously. Maybe, if I be nice to them, they'll be nice to me.

I skate to Kain to give him a high-five, he looks at me, looks down at my glove then back to me and scoffs, shakes his head and skates past me. I drop my arm and skate to my spot.

The whole first period they play keep away from me. It's so frustrating, I'm always open but they just won't pass to me.

First intermission coach tells us to keep shooting on net and be more aggressive. Coach also tells Kain to pass the puck more.

Second period starts, Kain wins the face-off but Malones left winger is on him. He's slashing and checking Kain. I don't know why the ref isn't calling it, it's pretty bad.

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