Chapter 48- Have A Problem

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"So how was your game last night?" Ardyn asks while he's laying on my bed, tossing a miniature basketball into the air and catching it

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"So how was your game last night?" Ardyn asks while he's laying on my bed, tossing a miniature basketball into the air and catching it.

Weston's in my kitchen, raiding our pantry.

I'm sitting at my desk, reading a rented book from the library. I read the last chapter then I turn my head to Ardyn. "What? You guys didn't go?" A slight confused look appears on my face.

Ardyn stops tossing the ball in the air and glances at me then he looks back up at the ceiling. "We tried but our tire blew. And by the time we got it fixed and got to the arena, we couldn't find a damn parking spot. So I had to park like a mile down the road. Then to top it off, the people wouldn't let us in because the arena was at capacity."

I let out a small chuckle and nod my head. "Yeah, our games get full houses every game," I say and sit back in my chair. "Well at least next time you know to check your tires and get there early. Right?" I say turning it into a joke.

Ardyn doesn't find my humour to be funny, he flashes me a dull look then his brows pull in. "Hey, was that Kain's car I seen in Ayla's driveway?"

I look down and pick at the loose strands on the end of my shirt. "Yeeep." I say popping the 'P'.

I'm still pretty salty about the whole Kain and Ayla thing. I haven't spoken to Ayla since I found out for myself that they were hanging out.

Ardyn props himself up on his right elbow and has a shocked look on his face. "Wait, really? Since when did they start hanging out?" Then he lays back down and continues tossing the ball in the air and catching it.

"I... don't know. Ayla and I haven't really been on speaking terms as of late." I say slow, still kind of bummed out about it.

"Doesn't she work at your Mom's cafe?" Ardyn says without looking at me.

"Yeah." I say.

"Dude, just go over there and talk to her. Maybe, it isn't what you think it is." Ardyn says trying it give me advice.

I don't respond to that. I know exactly what it is. Kain is either trying to mess with me by hanging out with Ayla or he's hanging out with her because she's new to town. She's like a shiny new toy to him. Either way I don't like it.

Not to long after, Weston enters my room with a big bag of potato chips in one hand, a soda can in the other and two cookies sticking out of his mouth. Me and the boys hangout for a few hours then they go home.

My Mom gave Ayla a job at the cafe yesterday because Mom thought Ayla did such a good job running the shop when we had that hockey party at Kain's house. Moms words not mine. Ayla works an 2 hours after school and 5 hours on Saturday and Sunday, she works 11am to 4pm. Ayla's always at the cafe anyway so it's kind of the perfect job for her.

I check the time on my phone, Ayla's shift started a few hours ago so she's already there. I guess, I'll take up Ardyn's advice and go to the cafe and talk to her. But I'm not going to rush, I'm going to casually make my way there.

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