Chapter 28- Murderous Stare

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*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz*

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*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz*

Fucking hell.

I roll over and try to find the fucking snooze button. It must of vanished over night because I can't find the damn thing. After I've had enough of searching, I pry myself out of bed and rip my alarm out of the fucking wall. I hold it in my hand then toss it on my bed.

It's around 5:30 in the morning.

I slept pretty much through the night but there was still a few times I woke up from a nightmare and covered in sweat.

Doing the first thing you do when you wake up, I stretch. Then go to my en-suite bathroom, wash my face then brush my teeth.

I walk out of my bathroom and go to my walk-in closet. I look through different outfits but decide on this to wear to morning lift.

Plus, I add a black Jordan's SnapBack and put it in backwards then I walk downstairs

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Plus, I add a black Jordan's SnapBack and put it in backwards then I walk downstairs.

The sky is just starting to lighten up. The sun doesn't raise until about 6:15am.

The kitchen is nice and quiet. Mom and Dad aren't up yet. I'm so fucking glad they don't wake up until like eight or nine.

The ten, fifteen minutes of peace and quiet I get in this house on a Saturday is fucking great.

Opening the fridge to grab a water and a apple then I shut the door. I walk out of the kitchen, unlock the door that leads to the garage then walk through the threshold.

I unlock my car, open the door and get in. I start my car and turn on the heater but it blows out fucking cold air, I lean forward and turn it off.

Fuck that was a bad idea...

I push the button on the remote and the garage door opens. I drive out of the garage, up the driveway and turn onto the street.

I walk in the weight room at the high school. I set my bag on the floor by the bench near the door. Our assistant coach, Brendan Hawk gives us a paper when we walk in.

The paper basically tells us how many sets to do and what workout we should be doing. It's pretty much the same workouts, just in different orders every week.

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