章 : fifty four

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unedited : 54

"I'm so bored~!" Levy whined, sat on the blondes lap who was slowly dozing off.

"What should we do then?" Lisanna sighed, sat between Juvia's legs as the blunette styled her hair into two pigtails.

"Hmm, Erza-sans at her graduation party right? Why don't we have a party of our own then?" Juvia suggests.

"Oh, right! I forgot this was her last year."

"Yeah, so that means when we get back, she won't be there anymore." Lis pouts. "And she's moving to Crocus so we won't see her as much."

"I'm gonna miss her lectures the most." Levy sighed, accidentally hitting her head against the blondes chin, who's drowsiness disappeared almost instantly.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Lucy asks, rubbing the spot.

"Sorry, that was by accident." The bluenette groaned.

"Well, I'm awake now." She yawned. "What did I miss?"

"Juvia suggested we should have a farewell party for Erza."

"Oh? That's a good idea, when should we do it?"

"Well, we could do it tomorrow since Erza probably won't be back in time to do it today."

"Yeah, well now that that's settled," Levy stretched, getting up off of the blondes lap. "Where are the guys?"


"For fuck sake! Throw the shell already! He's going to win!" Gray yelled, turning his wii remote aggressively.

"Wait! This takes precision!" Gajeel yells back, hovering his thumb over A, ready to shoot Natsu -who was in first place- with his last green shell.

"I'm surprised you even know that word, Gajeel-san." Sting chuckled, earning a slap upside the head.

"Um... guys? I'm still stuck." Rogue sighed, his kart was stuck between two hedges after slipping on a banana and he was currently in last place.

"Just do this," Bixslow instructs even though he was currently in fifth place.

And while Gajeel and Gray were arguing, Natsu had crossed the finish line and Sting and Bixslow had overtaken them both, leaving them in fourth and fifth place.

"You got this Rogue!" Sting cheers.

"This is all your fault, Metal brains!" The ravenette shouts, shoving Gajeel.

"No! You distracted me, popsicle stick!" Shoving him back. "He's won every race now!"

"Ha! Losers." Natsu smirked, crossing his arms proudly.

"Can we ever not resolve with violence?" Bixslow sighed.

"I don't think so." Rogue replies, sitting back as the leaderboard came on screen.

"Shut up! It's your fault pinky!"

"Don't hate the player, hate the game, Rosalina!"

"Shut the fuck up! She's amazing!"

"I'm telling Juvia you said that." Gajeel states, pulling out his phone to text her.

"Hey! Hey! Don't! You know she's not fully sane!"

"Does she even have a bit of sanity left?" Natsu mumbled.

"But it's a fictional character?" Sting said, confused.

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