章 : thirty three

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I was so confused... I felt as though I had lost a part of myself when I was diagnosed with amnesia. I was scared, lost but mostly angry.

How could I forget everything but the one thing that caused this? How could I forget the blurred out face of the person in my dreams?

He'd call out to me during my coma, it was a dream I hoped wouldn't end.

He'd whisper prayers and hope for me to wake up. However, I couldn't talk nor touch him as he did.

It was almost as if I were a lowly spirit only tasked to watch over this person as he'd wish for my full recovery.

I only knew he was male by the sound of his voice but it sounded almost as if it was in the distance — like an echo.

When I did wake up, I was so lonely. Whenever my parents left, the smell of disinfectant seemed to get stronger and the murmuring chatter from doctors or nurses seemed to get louder as they'd discuss my condition.

But that was until I met them.

An Prince and an Elf.

I was too shy to talk to them.
They seemed so cheerful and so very free while I was like a caged bird, rejected by the world.

They would always be sat in the waiting area, holding a thick book as they grinned happily. Especially the elf.

She had short blue hair and bright hazel eyes while I had discoloured blonde hair and dull brown eyes which were hidden by my overgrown bangs that reached the tip of my nose. I envied the elf's beauty.

The prince beside her seemed older and shared the same hair and eyes as the elf, giving me the impression that they were related.

Lucky... I thought to myself, remembering that my older brother was abroad and my younger sister was still only a toddler.

I had no friends, simply because I don't remember having any and if I did then why didn't they visit me?
I heard the doctors saying it was best for my health but how is that best when I still remember that person plunging a knife in my side?
No matter how hard I try, I can't forget his haunting smile as he played with me, as if my life hanging from a thread was all just a game to him.

I experienced pain in so many ways — in ways I never even knew existed.

How did I even end up in that situation? How did I end up being treated like a rag doll — like a piece of-

"-Excuse me?" Someone had called out to me. "You dropped this."

Turning around, I could see blue through my bangs, the colour was so very beautiful, almost like the ocean.

I was almost in a daze till I realised who it was. It was the Elf holding a small red ribbon in her petite fingers, a ribbon I had realised was mine.

Taking it from her hand, I bowed in gratitude, too afraid to say a simple 'thank you'.

"Levy! Where did you go?" I hear another voice but before I could see who it was, I turned around and ran as fast as my tired legs could go.

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