章 : four

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The next morning, the Heartfilia house woke up to the blondes scream of startlement, not bothering to worry because she was probably just scared by Loke or someone. Which is exactly what happened.

"Loke! You fucking idiot! I told you not to scare me like that!" She whisper-yelled, hoping her parents didn't hear her foul language.

"S- Sorry~! I asked Virgo if I could wake you up instead." he spoke, stifling a laugh.

"Why're you even waking me up at- seven in the morning!" She fumed, pulling the covers over her head.

"I came to wake you up because you're going to visit you're new school today." Loke smirks, watching the blonde throw herself out of bed and into her bathroom, yelling at him for not mentioning it sooner.

"What took you so long?" Her father asked, watching her walk down the stairs followed by Loke.

"She forgot about what you guys are gonna be doing today." He smirks, ruffling her long golden hair.

"S- Stop it!" She pouts, crossing her arms under her bust, unaware of the dark glare the pinkette was giving Loke. "And you guys don't even care that I could have been attacked by a murderer!"

"Oh, stop being so dramatic Lucy." Her parents chuckle at her stubbornness. "The security is quite tight so we already knew it would be Loke."

"Natsu? Daijōbudesu ka?" Lucy asks, they were sat across from each other in the limo when the blonde had realised the teen hadn't said anything throughout the whole morning, even though he isn't really the talkative type anyway.

"Nanimonai..." he mumbled, turning away from her to look out the window.

She didn't really know how to reply so decided to just leave him be, soon too overexcited by the view of the school she'd soon be enrolling into.

"Natsu dear?" Layla called, obtaining his attention. "Could you give Lucky a tour while we go up to the administration office?" She asked, which the pinkette answered with a nod as they soon stopped in front of the building.

"Meet us at the office in an hour or so since this is a school day." Jude informs before they all parted ways, leaving the duo alone at the entrance of the school.

"So where to first?" Lucy asked, following behind the pinkette who obviously ignored her.

"Hime?" He called after a few minutes of silence. The hallways were empty, leaving the duo alone in a seemingly awkward silence according to the blonde.

"Hai?" She answered, not even bothering to scold him about the nickname.

"What is Loke to you?" He Asked as he slowed his pace to a stop, turning around to look at her.

"I've known Loke since I was a little girl, he was always there to tease me or cheer me up when I was down, he's like a big brother to me." she answered, looking up to meet the pinkettes dark eyes. "Naze?" She questions when he doesn't say anything.

"Because I remember telling you that I didn't want you too close and personal with other men." he whispered, walking closer to her till their chests touched.

"I just told you he's like my brother, what more do you want? It's hard not to believe your jealous..." she glared, feeling the heat that radiated from his body.

"I also told you not to get excited, I ain't jealous... just territorial." placing a hand over her throat, he squeezed. Light enough not to stop her airway but strong enough to keep her in place. And she'd be lying if she said that didn't send a delightful chill down her spine.

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