章 : two

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The duo were currently sat in silence after their parents had insisted they have some time alone to 'get to know each other'. The blonde instantly brought him to her library where they sat across on opposite sides of the table, staring into one each other's eyes challengingly as if they were both waiting for the other person to speak.

"So, Natsu? I know we were both surprised by thi-"

"-I've known for a while..." He interrupted.

"N- Nani?" She questioned, obviously shocked by this new information.

"I'm not repeating myself..." he spoke, breaking their gaze to look around. She had no clue how to interact with him, it was obvious he wasn't the talkative type.

So she decided to grab a book, seeing the pinkette do the same as they both tried to ignore the awkwardness lingering in the air by reading as they waited to be retrieved by their parents for dinner.

"Ne, Natsu? What school do you attend?" Lucy suddenly speaks up, looking over at the pinkette.

"F.H" he answered, not bothering to look up from his book.

"F.H?" She questions, causing the pinkette to sigh in annoyance before closing his book to look up at her.

"Fiore High... a prestigious school for people like us." he answered irritably.

People like us... She hated how society divided people by how high they were in the social hierarchy or how much money they had in their bank accounts. It irked her how stereotypical people could be towards her — especially because of her surname and also her natural blonde hair.

"Are you... popular?" She questioned. Always wondering what it was like to be known throughout a school as 'popular'.

"I am a Dragneel..." he answered after a second of silence. "But I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed being the centre of attention or how nameless girls would scream my name whenever I breathe..." that was the longest she'd heard him speak since he first arrived earlier that afternoon but wasn't surprised when he re-opened his book, implying their conversation was over.

The blonde didn't blame them for trying to get his attention, he was really good looking — not like he cared anyway.

They had continued their day without another word till Virgo had informed them that dinner was ready.

"I hope the two of you have been getting along, you'll pretty much be together everyday." Jude spoke up, looking directly at Lucy who gave him a small polite smile.

"Mr. Heartfilia? What are my sleeping arrangements?" Natsu asked, clearly not interested in the topic of the conversation.

"It's just across Lucille's room, she'll show you, right Clover?"

"Yes father, goodnight everyone..." she sighs before getting up and walking out of the dining room with the pinkette following a small distance behind.

"Goodnight Natsu..." she mumbled as he quietly shut the door to his room, walking into her own before doing the same.

"Ne, Plue? What do you think about this all? Because I think it's a load of bullshit." She spoke, pulling her hair out of the neat bun, unaware of the pair of eyes that watched her from the corner of her room.

"I don't think your father would like to hear you use such words." screaming at the sudden voice she turned around only to be met with-

"-Loke?!" She whispered, holding a hand to her heart as she let out a sigh of relief, happy he wasn't some murderer.

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