章 : six

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edited : 06

"You're leaving?" The blonde questions, looking between her parents.

"Hai, they need us in England for a short while but we'll be back in about a month or so." her father informs, instructing Capricorn, a loyal butler, to carry their belongings to the car.

"And you won't have to worry because Natsu will be with you this time." Layla smiles.

"B- But what about my check up? And my lessons?" Lucy stutters, a panicked look in her eyes.

"Just take Natsu or Loke with you and tell us what the doctors say and I think it's best your lessons stop since I'm confident in your talents, ok Lucky?"

"Have a safe flight mother, father..." she sighs, bowing as she let them leave, standing beside the pinkette as they watched them drive away before running up to her room and closing the door, unaware of the pinkettes watchful gaze.

She had been in her room for at least three hours after her parents left before she came out again, deciding to make herself a snack till she smelt a heavenly scent coming from the kitchen.

Did Natsu ask Virgo to make us dinner? She thought to herself as she made her way down the stairs, almost choking at the sight in front of her.

Sweet smell = Nice food = Good cooking = Natsu?! That was a combination she definitely wasn't expecting.

"How long are you going to stare at me?" He questions, placing a plate on the table.

"I-Is that for me?" She stutters in shock, this was too good to be true.

"What do you think?"

"Yes?" She replies hopefully.

"Well, your wrong..." he answers, taking the plate up to his room to eat.

What the actual fuck?! She raged, cursing incoherently as she grabbed an apple before running up the stairs with a box of kibble for Plue, entering her room and locking it behind her, deciding not to leave for the rest of the night.

She was always like that when her parents leave for business and decided that she'd just spend her time with Plue till they get back, however she doubted she could do that with Natsu staying in her home.

"I guess I'll take you for a walk tomorrow..." she says to Plue before deciding to fall asleep.

The next morning the blonde decided to wake up early and perform her morning routine, running down stairs to grab a snack before calling Plue so they could leave.

She didn't want to stay in the house with that jerk so decided to just spend the day outside, something she rarely did.

She was glad she just decided to wear a dress because the weather was fairly hot and she was planning on walking around instead of taking a car.

She was still slightly annoyed at what Natsu had done and decided not to even leave a note — not like he cared, he was probably going to leave the house anyway.

"Oi! Lucy?! Is that you?!" She heard a male voice call, slightly panicking since it didn't sound like Loke or Natsu.

Turning around, she sighed in relief seeing it was Natsu's friend; Gray as she stopped and waited for him to catch up but kept an eye on Plue because he didn't have a leash on.

"Good morning, Gray-kun." She smiles.

"Good to see you, so where's that flame brain?" He questions, only seeing her and a snow white dog.

"He's at home being the jerk he is..." she mumbled angrily, forgetting that Gray could hear her.

"Did you get into a fight or somethin'?" He asks, walking beside her as they made their way to the park.

"No, not really but he's just being the same old Natsu, I guess..." she shrugs, sounding as though she'd known him for years.

"I see, so why're you out at ten in the morning?" He smirks.

"I just wanted to take Plue out for a walk." She answers, pointing at the small dog that waddled a few steps away from them.

"You must really trust him if you're allowing him to walk without a leash..." as they continued their conversation, they decided to spend the day together, getting to know each other better and even become friends.

"Are you sure?" She asks, once they exited the cafe.

"Hai, I don't mind takin' ya home." He grins, holding a bag of treats the blonde decided to buy.

"A-Arigatō, Gray-kun..." she smiles, walking closely beside him as they made their way to her mansion.

"You live here?" He questions in shock.

"H- Hai," she sighs, avoiding eye contact with him. "Would you like to come in?" She asks politely.

"No thanks, I just came to make sure you get home safe," he grins, handing her the bag before giving her a hug and waving goodbye. "See ya next time Lu!"

Walking into her home, she had a smile stuck to her face as she placed the bag of treats on the table before taking the container of strawberry and vanilla macaroons.

"Let's go give you a bath..." she giggles, looking down at the small puppy who yelped excitedly.

"So, where have you been?" She heard him ask.

"Out..." she answers, walking past and into her room with him strolling slowly behind her.

"But I heard icebergs voice..." he glares.

"So? I'm allowed to have friends." She answers, taking off her dress to put on more comfortable clothes before she washes Plue, completely forgetting Natsu had followed her into her room, watching the thin material of the dress slip satisfyingly down her body as her long and bright blonde hair cascaded down her back, complimenting her pale but creamy skin till he noticed something on her hip when she turned to the side, surprised he hadn't notice it before.

"What's that scar from?" He questioned, seeing the blonde visibly flinch.

"I- It's nothing..." she stutters, hiding it behind a silk vest. "W- Why are you in here anyway..." she asks, changing the subject.

"To ask you why you're home so late."

"You're not my father, I can do whatever I want..." she pouts, picking up Plue and bringing him into her bathroom.

"But I am your future husband," he smirks. "Meaning I deserve an explanation, especially because you were with another man even though I've told you on more than one occasion that you aren't to do that."

Carefully placing Plue in the bathtub, the blonde turned around and glared at the unbothered pinkette as she walked closer to him.

"Listen Dragneel, I thought you already would have realised that I could care less about what you say," she smiles, resting her hands on his chest. "Like I said, you aren't my father."

"But I am your daddy." Her face had never been so red in her life at what he had said.

"W- What?! N- No you're not!" She blushes, turning around to begin bathing her patiently waiting puppy.

"We'll see, Hime..." he smirks, holding a towel for her to dry Plue with.

"D- Damare..." she whispers bashfully, walking past him and into her room.

"I'll soon have you screaming it at the top of your lungs..." he whispered in her ear before walking out of her room, leaving the blonde a blushing mess.

That damn jerk!

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