章 : fifty six

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unedited : 56
TW: mentions of sexual assault and torture

Curled up in a corner, the blonde stared down at her trembling hands, her teeth chattering together.

"Poor wittle Princess with no one to save ya." he chuckled, reaching out to touch her bruised cheek, She didn't have the strength to move, to speak, She could barely breathe from her spot on the cold and wet concrete floor.

"Too bad bout your face, though." He sighed. "Didn't mean to make you this fucking ugly but I just needed to get my anger out, ya'know"

Looking up at him in disgust, she winced in pain as her head began to ache.

"Oh well, I might've enjoyed this more if ya didn't look like pure shit."

Her face went pale with terror as she watched him unbuckle his belt, a prominent smirk on his face as he lifted her off the ground by her hair.

"I- I'm begging you," she choked out. "Please, don't do this!"

"Hm, I quite like the way you beg." He chuckles, ripping off the rags she was wearing as he leaned down to kiss her lips, her mouth was shut so tight that her lip began to bleed as she let out a muffled scream.

"Hime! Lucy, breath!" Natsu soothed, pulling the shaking blonde into his arms as she scratched and rubbed her scar.

"It's okay, you're okay..." stroking her head as he kissed her cheek. "It was just a dream..."

"I- I'm sorry! Please! Don't!" She screams, grabbing fistfuls of the pinkettes shirt as she cried.

A look of realisation appeared on the pinkettes face as he picked up a glass of water, holding it to her lips. "Here, drink it." He instructs, a dark look on his face as he held her close.

"####! What the hell are you doing?!" A man shouts from the door, causing him to freeze.

"What~?" He scowled. "I was just going to have a little fun~" throwing her to the ground, he stands up and walks away after sending her an amused look.

"Fucking creep." The man who interrupted had mumbled before looking down at the battered little girl and disappearing out of the room to then return with a lady holding a basin and cloth.

"Clean that up." The man instructs before walking away, this time he didn't come back.

"How is she?" Aquarius asks, walking into the room to see the blonde had passed out.

"I don't think she could hear me and she wouldn't take her pills." He replies, lifting her up and placing her on the bed.

"Let's leave her to rest for now, she must be exhausted from all the screaming."

Gently stroking her hair, the pinkette placed a small kiss on her forehead before tucking her in.

Without a single word, the women did as instructed, softly wiping her with a rag and redressing her, sending the small girl pitiful looks.

However, the small prisoner ignored her, knowing that she was just as guilty for working with them.

"Listen, little one... maybe if you just do as they say they'll let you g-"

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