章 : fifty two

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unedited : 52

"What are you doing?" Natsu asks, leaning against the doorframe as he watched his half-naked, blonde haired girlfriend rummage through his clothes.

"Looking for a shirt to wear." She replies.

"To go where?" He then asks. "You're supposed to be resting."

"I've been resting for the past three days! I want to see Levy-chan." She frowned, deciding to pick a black shirt with a red dragon design on the back.
Pulling it over her head, she shoves her hands through the arm holes and straightened it out, the hem stopping at her thighs like a t-shirt dress.

"Please, Natsi~" she pouts, wrapping her arms around him as she looked up cutely, begging him with her eyes.

Damn... she knows I can't argue with that look. He sighed, looking away from her. "Fine. I wasn't going to stop you, anyway."

Giggling happily, she grabbed his cheeks and faced him back towards her, tiptoeing to attacking him with kisses as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Alright, Hime." The pinkette chuckles, his warm hands travelling from her hips to her plump behind, squeezing her cheeks. "But wear something under this." He adds before lightly slapping her ass as he lifted her off the ground, walking over to the bed and sitting down with her on his lap.

"Aye, sir!" She grins, softly rubbing his ears. "So what're you doing today?"

"I'm probably gonna go see mother for a bit, I want to spend some time with her for a while." Snuggling into her neck, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, checking it to see it was a text from Grandeena.

"Hey... you okay?" Texting a quick reply, he tilts his head to look up at her.

"What do you mean?" He asked impassively.

"I don't know... you just seem a little down is all. Did something happen?"

I can't get anything past you can I, Hime? He thought to himself, feeling a small smile spread across his face. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"You sure?"

"Hai... I'm sure." he puts his phone back in his pocket. "I should get going," Natsu states, letting the blonde get off his lap so he could put on his shoes. "I'll see you at home later, Hime." Kissing her lips, he gave her one last hug before walking out.

"Now then... time to get ready."



"Lev-chan~!" She yells back, the bluenette jumping on her with both her arms and legs wrapped tightly around the blonde like a koala.

"It's only been a week since the last time you've seen each other." Erza giggled.

"A week too long!" The bluenette yells. "I've been deprived of my Lucence."

"Your what?" The redhead asks.

"Lucy-Essence. Duh." Levy rolls her hazel eyes.

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