章 : twenty two

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edited: 22

Relaxed on her stomach, the blonde occupied herself with a book as she kicked her legs aimlessly in the air behind her while her pink haired boyfriend slept peacefully beside her.

It was the weekend, meaning the blonde could relax, knowing the duo would be moving into their house in a couple days.

What does this house even look like? She pondered to herself, however her thought was interrupted by the ring of her phone.

"Hello?" She whispered so that the pinkettes slumber wasn't disturbed.

"Kon'nichiwa, Lu-chan~ why're you whispering?" Levy questioned happily.

"Natsu is sleeping." She replied, her ear almost falling off by the bluenettes squeal.

"You're sleeping in the same bed?!"

"What do you want, Lev-chan?" The blonde sighed, changing the subject when her cheeks began to heat up.

"I'm five minutes away so get ready to open your door~" Levy replied, hanging up before Lucy could object.

"Who was that?" She heard Natsu questioned beside her, his voice raspy and deep from just waking up.

"Levy-chan. She's on her way here." She answered, about to get up when the pinkette grabbed her arm, pulling her to lay back down beside him.

"I need to get up." the blonde giggled. Trying to pry away from his arms that curled around her waist as his head rested on her large but soft bust.

"Ask Virgo to open the door..." he yawned, closing his eyes as he drifted back to sleep.

"But Nat- are you sleeping?" She sighed, hearing his soft snore.

Great... she thought to herself, relaxing as her hand found its way to his hair, combing through with her fingers.

"Princess, Miss Levy has arrived." Virgo bows, as she stepped out of the room.

Slowly, quietly and calmly, she peeled his arms from her waist as she slipped off of the bed, kissing him lightly on the forehead before leaving the room.

"Lu-chan!" Levy smiled, pulling the blonde into a hug. "I haven't seen you for a while so I wanted to catch up."

"How about we go to the cafe we used to go?" The blonde suggested as she pulled away.

"Sure but you should get dressed first." The bluenette giggles, looking at her best friends attire which was Natsu's shirt and a pair of shorts which could barely be seen.

"H- Hai..." she blushed, quickly racing back up the stairs to see that the pinkette was still asleep.

He'll probably go on a rampage if I don't tell him... she sweat-dropped, slipping on a shirt and a pair of jeans before grabbing her purse and phone as she checked her undone hair in the mirror.

"What're you doing?" She heard him question.

"I'm going to the cafe with Levy, I'll buy you something." Lucy smiles, however was stopped by Natsu grabbing wrist. How'd he get up so fast?!

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