章 : forty

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unedited : 40

"Stupid Natsu..." she mumbled with a pout, glaring at his smug smirk as he sat back and stared at the position she was in.

Her wrists were bound by his scarf above her head, It wasn't tight enough to cut off her blood flow but it was tight enough to restrict her from moving around too much.

"What should I do first?" He pondered out loud, lightly running his fingers over her stomach, causing her to shiver against his warm touch as he played with the string of her bikini.


"No offence but you look like shit." Levy smirked, taking a sip of her smoothie.

"Thank you." Lucy scowled, sitting on the bed and resting her head against the pillow.

"Did Lucy-chan and Natsu-kun have fun? We didn't see you for the rest of the day." Juvia smiles, the girls -except Erza who had disappeared- were all sat in Lisanna's hotel room.

"He's a demon." The blonde states with a pout. "He was ordering me around like a maid!"

"Oh? So, that's the reason we couldn't hear any interesting sounds, you weren't going at it?" The taller bluenette giggles.

"N- No! If we were, I'd probably be too embarrassed to show my face." Lucy groaned, her cheeks being a light colour of pink. "I haven't even done it before anyway."

"Wait, you're a virgin?" Lisanna asks.

"Wow, is it so hard to tell?" She pouts, folding her arms across her chest.

"No! That's not what I meant! It's just that Natsu-kun is..." the whitette pondered about what word to use, holding her finger against her chin in thought.

"A pervert?" They all answer at once.

"Hai but I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I think it just means that Natsu-kun really treasures you if he's waiting for the right time, I guess." Lisanna smiles.

"Juvia agrees with Lis-chan. Even though Juvia is no longer a virgin, she was happy when Gray-kun was the one to take it."

"Did he squeal the first time too?" Levy asks with a smirk, causing Lucy to choke on the smoothie Lisanna had handed to her.

"Gray-sama doesn't squeal!" Juvia pouts. "His moan is like music to Juvia's ears." She swoons, daydreaming about the ravenette.

"Really? Well, it's disturbing to the rest of us having to hear you all damn night." The shorter bluenette complained.

"Juvia's love for Gray-sama cannot be silenced!" She yells.

"C- Calm down, Juvia-chan. I'm sure that Levy-chan is only joking." Lisanna sweatdropped, lightly patting her shoulder.

"Juvia thinks Levy-chan is just jealous."

"Eh? Jealous of what?!" Levy frowned. "I bet Gray isn't even that good in bed anyway."

"It's not Juvia's fault you're not getting any-"

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