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What the fuck...? Was the first thought that came to mind when her father had revealed to her that she's been engaged to a mystery man since the day she was born.

She felt like smashing overly expensive objects as she screamed profanities till her throat was sore, but knew she couldn't do that — especially not in front of her father. She had to be ladylike, to be prim and proper — to be a Heartfilia, one of the wealthiest families in Fiore.

No, she wasn't forced to wear suffocatingly big dresses or have crazy hairstyles and makeup but she had to be elegant, intelligent and well-behaved as a daughter of Layla and Jude Heartfilia.

But that couldn't possibly mean she wasn't allowed to feel any sort of way towards the news she had been bombarded with.

"It has already been decided." Jude says with a stern expression before looking over at the blonde with kind eyes. "I'm sorry Lucille..." she loved her father dearly but couldn't believe she had to just sit there as she was forced into such commitment when she's only had seventeen years of freedom. Which wasn't even enough — especially for a girl who rarely left the safety of her mansion.

"We've also decided to postpone your evening lessons, so you can have some time to yourself." Her mother spoke up.

"Arigatō..." she whispered politely before bowing and excusing herself from her fathers study.

As soon as she closed the door to her bedroom, she instantly collapsed on the bed, throwing her face into the pillow and questioned whether she should scream or not. And she did. It was quite loud even though it had been muffled by her feather filled cushion.

Could this get any wor- her thought had been cut off by a knock at the door. After replying enter, her mother walked into the room and took a seat on the blondes bed, sighing softly at the sight of her distressed daughter.

"I know this may not be the right time to say this but you'll be meeting your fiancé in a weeks time and it's nonnegotiable..." Layla had informed as she lightly patted the blondes shoulder before getting up and strolling towards the door. "Gomenasai Lucky..." her mother whispered before walking out.

How ironic was it that her nickname was Lucky Clover? She definitely didn't feel lucky at all.

It just got worse... she began to question if she was finally receiving karma for eating one of her mother's freshly baked cupcakes when she knew she wasn't allowed to.

A week had past by slowly for the solitary blonde. Not really doing anything productive apart from preparing for the day she meets supposed fiancé of hers.

"Hime-sama? I've come to help prepare you for the visitors..." the blondes emotionless personal maid; Virgo had informed her, pulling a variety of outfits out her walk-in closet.


"Master Dragneel? Your mother has requested your company for breakfast." the maid spoke after knocking his door.

"Tell her I'll be down in a moment..." he answered, re-wrapping the white scaled scarf around his neck before pulling the earphones out his ears after pausing the music on his phone.

Opening his door, he realised the maid had decided to wait, trailing slowly behind as she followed him down the stairs and into the dining room where his mother had been waiting.

The pinkette was just about to make his presence known to the older woman when he felt a light tug on his shoulder sleeve. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he instantly knew it was the brown haired maid which had followed him from the moment he left his bedroom and why she followed him in the first place.

"M- Master Natsu? I was hoping we c- cou-"

"-Don't you have a job to do?" He interrupts, too familiar by where the situation was going.

"Hai, but I thought-"

"-Then I suggest you go do your job — the one you're paid to do..." he spoke discourteously. The young maid stared up at him in shock before apologising as she walked solemnly to her duties, his dark eyes watching her as she did so.

"Mother?" Turning his attention back to the woman sat occupied at the table, he greeted her before taking a seat across from her.

"Ohayōgozaimasu, sleepy head~!" His mother sang, keeping an oddly cheerful smile on her face.

"What have you done this time?" He sighs, already knowing something had happened by the overly-excited mood she was in.

"You're finally going to meet your fiancée today~!"

"Oh... I totally forgot about that..." he mumbled sarcastically, shoving the French toast into his mouth, oblivious to the glare his mother was giving him.

"Don't you dare eat like that around them." his mother spoke darkly, causing the teen to almost choke by the threatening tone of her voice.


"You should at least try to smile Lucille..." The older blonde whispered, nudging her daughter.

"Gomen..." she answered, putting on the best smile she could muster.

"It's good to see you, Deena." Layla giggles, hugging the blue haired woman who stood in the lounge.

"Lay~ Jude~ it's so good to see you again," 'Deena' smiles. "I'm sorry my husband couldn't make it, he's busy with work."

"It's quite alright, we can do the introductions without him," Jude started before looking over at his polite daughter. "This is our oldest daughter Lucille." The blonde bowed politely when her name had been introduced. Adding for the beautiful woman to address her as 'Lucy'.

"My name is Grandeena Dragneel but I met you when you were younger, although you probably don't remember." Lucy however barely acknowledged the polite woman because she had been staring at the boy stood behind her, the teen having her full attention as his mother babbled on and on about something she wasn't listening to.

He had rose pink hair and dark green obsidian eyes. He was quite attractive, even she — as a reclusive seventeen year old — knew he was.

It may sound cliché but she felt like she'd been electrocuted and ran over by butterflies before being burnt with fire or in other words; a strange warm and tight feeling in her chest when their eyes met, even though it seemed as though he had been secretly glaring at her.

"And this is Natsu, your fiancé." she heard a voice say from beside her, not bothering to break their gaze to see who it might have been.

"He is actually seventeen just like you and we've all decided to enroll you into his school because Layla thinks you should have experience going to one since you've been homeschooled from a young age." deciding to break away from his stare, the blonde looked over at Grandeena as she spoke, feeling the urge to scream again but decided to keep it in.

I really thought I would be able to enjoy my alone time in the library... the blonde thought to herself as her soon to be mother-in-law informed her that her fiancé were to be staying there at the Heartfilia house for a period of time.

Realising she had been staring at him while stuck in thought, her face flushed a bright red in embarrassment before bashfully looking away.

"K- Kon'nichiwa..." The blonde whispered politely, cursing herself for stuttering as she curtsied.

Being answered with silence, the blonde looked up again, realising he nodded his head as a sign of acknowledgement before shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"Hey..." He answered back, the blonde noticing his hard gaze soften slightly.

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