章 : fifty one

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unedited : 51

Slowly opening her eyes, she was welcomed with darkness, but by the faint scent of lavender
and the sound of her fiancé's comforting little snore, she knew she was back at her old home.

The blonde had a splitting headache and could barely even sit up from the pain, clutching her head at the ringing sensation in her brain.

What happened...? She questioned herself.
The last things she remembered was Loke's face as she felt her body go limp and then the sensation of a comforting warmth from the sleeping pinkette who lay beside her with his arms wrapped securely around her waist, his hold tightening slightly when he felt her moving around.

"Lucy? Are you awake?" He whispered, the blonde looking over at him only seeing his silhouette and his prepossessing green eyes that shone by the moonlight that crept between the curtains.

"Natsu..." she whispers back, watching him sit up as her hand went to his warm cheek, letting out a relieved sigh as his warm forehead rested against her colder one.

"You okay?" He questioned. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Nani? You? Scared?" She breathes out a giggle, softly playing with his ears. "I'm strangely happy by that."

"But I'm sorry for worrying you." She then adds.

"I'm just... pissed I couldn't do anything from when I saw you weren't feeling well." He mumbled, resting his head on her shoulder. "All because of this stupid secret."

"I'm sorry Natsu... it's my fault I couldn't control my feelings." She sighed. "I shouldn't of even went. Maybe then, you'd actually enjoy yourself."

Clicking his tongue, he turns and bites the skin on her neck, causing her to let out a squeal.

"Itai! What was that for?!" She whisper-yells, soothing her fingers over the mark. "What are you, a vampire?"

"Do you ever hear yourself for even a second? Why're you blaming yourself for something you didn't know would happen and couldn't control? And why wouldn't you of went, you haven't seen scar face for a year! And you didn't shut up about missing him so don't sit here and say you shouldn't of gone because by doing that you're only avoiding any chances of improvement in your condition!" He growled, pushing her down and towering over her. "I've already told you to stop with that degrading yourself bullshit, Lucy. You know I don't like that shit nor do I like repeating myself over and over a-fucking-gain."

"Right... I'm sorry, Nat." She sighs again.

"And quit apologising." He adds, his face only an inch away from hers.

"So-" but before she could even finish, she was cut off by a kiss, his tongue swirling around her own before breaking away with a string of saliva hanging from their lips.

"Now go back to sleep." He instructs, laying back down and pulling her closer to him, her arms instantly going around him as she laid her head on his chest, yawning cutely as her eyes struggled to stay open.

"I love you, Natsi." She whispered, feeling him snuggle even closer.

"I love you too, Hime." He replied, his warm hand going under her shirt as he caressed her back.

"I love you more~" she sings tiredly.

"No, you don't..."

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