章 : twenty one

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edited : 21

Laying comfortably on her bed, she looked up at the ceiling as Virgo began to pack her clothes, insisting she stayed put.

"Are you sure there isn't anything I can help you with?" She sighed, blowing golden strands of hair out of her face as she turned towards her personal maid.

"I'm fine, Princess. Thank you for asking." Was the bubblegum pink haired maids reply as she continued to work.

"Alright..." The blonde pouts, turning back towards the ceiling as she accidentally nudged Plue with her foot, apologising when he let out a yelp.

"Would you like me to bring you anything, Lucy-sama?" Aries questions, stood at the entrance to the room.

"Could you get me the leftovers from last night, please." Lucy requested.

"As you wish." She smiles before walking away, down to the kitchen to retrieve what she was asked for. "Here..." placing the bowl of ravioli onto the side table, Aries bowed before leaving after the blonde had thanked her.

Forkful after forkful, the blonde was almost itching to help Virgo who still wouldn't let her even lift a finger.

"But wouldn't it be faster if I helped?" She tried to negotiate.

"That's exactly why I don't want your help, Princess." Virgo replies. "Once you move out, I won't be able to come with you so I want time to spend with you even if it's just postponed by me packing slowly, this may also be the last time I can assist you. Plus, you're finger is still broken."

Smiling at the nonchalant maid, the blonde got up and walked over to her, giving her a tight and unexpected hug.

"I'll miss you too Virgo but you don't need to do this for me to stay longer, we won't be leaving for another week and my finger is perfectly fine..." Lucy grinned, turning to fold some shirts before putting them in the box labelled: clothes.

"I understand, Princess. Gomen... Punishment?" She questioned, leaving the blonde flabbergasted at her question.

"Absolutely not!"


Closing her locker, the blonde turned towards the person stood beside her, seeing that it was the one that broke her finger.

"Do you need something?" The blonde questions, holding her physics textbook close to her chest.

"W- Well, I just wanted to apologise again... I still feel bad which is why I brought you get-well flowers as a gift." He sighed, scratching his cheek nervously.

"I don't need gifts as an apology," she smiled. "But thank you for the kind gesture." bowing gratefully, she strolled to her physics class.

Watching her leave, he turned towards her locker, placing a note in there before also leaving to his lesson.


Sat beside Gray, she opened her textbook and begun to writes notes as the teacher spoke, a look of concentration on her clear-skinned face.

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